Good Turkey Coop?


14 Years
Feb 8, 2009
Yucaipa, CA

9x9x9. I would apply a solid roof. The turkeys would free range during the day time. I am expecting my first poults in June with the intent to butcher in November/December. It has a floor. Thanks for your comments.
I ordered 6 poults. This coop would be for sleeping only. They would have free range from around 5AM to 9PM, daily.
I don't know anything about turkey coops, but I had a laugh seeing that you're from Yucaipa, My Grandmother lived there for about 10 years, and My great aunt has lived there for as longs as I can remember. I spent many summers there as a kid. Up until a few years ago, it seemed nobody had ever heard of it. Anyway, I'm rambling now, just had to pop in and say hi!
Yep. I'm from Yucaipa. Been here since 76 (I was born in 74). I love it here.

I went to look at the "coop" yesterday. It's 11' tall, 9' wide, and 5' deep (rather shallow) so I decided that it won't work. However, I was talking with a co-worker about it and come to find out, he has an AWESOME playhouse that he wants to get rid of so I am going to take a look at it tomorrow. I am so excited, I can't stand it and the best part is that it's FREE!!! Yeah!
I'll post pics when we get it home (maybe next weekend).

Thanks again for everyone's comments.


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