Goodbye Ducks - Happy Ending

Lily, you say you're from do you speak spanish? My family speaks spanish fluently cuz we are mexican...and I know a little so maybe you should speak spanish with me so I can understand it better?

Hables espanol?

If not...awk haha
How did you trap them? Why didn't you use traps to begin with? This whole thread is quite confusing and I am suspecting something is not quite right. It seems a bit strange you went from "my ducks are gone forever" to "they are home now." Just seems a bit off...........Hmmmmm....also this is off topic, but what the heck does your signature mean at the bottom of your posts?
Maybe the Mayor lent her the trap? I know animal control down here will lend you a trap if you ask they just won't dispose of anything. As for the signature half of the younger members in other sections have it as well. I guess it just caught on for some reason.
So glad you got your ducks back, Lily! Reading through this thread is probably upsetting for you sometimes because naturally it makes a person feel bad to get criticism from others. But, please try to see what people say as concern and helpfulness rather than judgment. Everybody here wants your ducks to be happy and healthy, and so do you! It's obvious that you care about your ducks, so keep posting and asking questions. Some of the people who post here have had ducks for a long, long time and they can give you awesome advice on how to give your ducks the best life possible. Nobody wants to hurt your feelings. They just want you to have healthy ducks.
is there any way you can get a clear pic of the bugs on the ducks?

Learn that ducklings should be fully feathered before allowing them to swim. Depending on the type of duck, full feathers should be in place by 9-12 weeks of age.

try reading through this site for care info
this has info on mites and lice along with how to treat them

also they will need clean water every day to drink and clean water to swim in as well
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I didn't know ducks could get lice. Mine seem dry at times but they love being sprayed then they clean and I also give them cooked rice every so often and put it in their water and they love to forage for it and I just cook up a batch for the week for them and myself and I add a little olive oil in the water when I cook it.
I didn't know ducks could get lice. Mine seem dry at times but they love being sprayed then they clean and I also give them cooked rice every so often and put it in their water and they love to forage for it and I just cook up a batch for the week for them and myself and I add a little olive oil in the water when I cook it.
I think as long as ducks have a clean place to sleep and water to bathe in they are mostly free of lice and mites. I also use poultry duct in the shaving in my chicken and duck houses. even when we had a breakout of mites on the chickens, the ducks didn't get them. Cooked rice is okay for a treat once in a while as long as they are getting a balanced duck or chicken feed as well.
I also feel that if ducks are in ones possession by choice and kept in any sort of enclosed is the owner, our, responsibility to them to be very diligent about cleaning...they cannot do it!
So all your ducks are back at your home now or did you capture them and other people took them to their home? Are you treating them for 'lice'? With proper care your ducks will thrive and the girls will even give you eggs between 20-25 weeks old (but likely only with proper care). You had been feeding your ducks only cracked corn for the first few months of their life- you DID learn to get them better food and you had posted pics of them finally getting some beautiful feathers. I was so happy for them and for you.
yeah i'm treating them with a spray
Lily, you say you're from do you speak spanish? My family speaks spanish fluently cuz we are mexican...and I know a little so maybe you should speak spanish with me so I can understand it better?

Hables espanol?

If not...awk haha
Si si hablo espanol, vivi en mexico mucho tiempo

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