GOOSE BREEDING THREAD - for breeding, incubating, hatching and rearing.

poult you actually saw the penis of the goose you say raped your other goose?

No but she was definitely mating with Damascus.She wasn't playing around or anything and it wasn't a dominance display.Ive seen Assyra lay three eggs and I thought I caught her mating with Damascus before but I wasn't sure because I was really far away but I was standing beside them this time and Assyra was the 'male' in this case but I've seen her lay eggs so im very confused.The only thing I can think of is that Damascus is male(I've only seen her lay in her nest never actually lay an egg) & Assyra was so desperate to mate with him that she was trying to take things in her own hands?
poult...It's funny that you should say that about female geese because there have been days that I'd swear that it's Gabi on top of Gus, and not the other way around. Then one day
I was actually close enough to really take notice...and it was Gabi who mounted Gus. They had been splashing around in their new pool for awhile, with Gus doing his usual feather
plucking and rustling of Gabi's back and rear end, when all of the sudden, Gabi whipped her head around and grabbed Gus by the back of his neck and well...took him for a ride, so to !!! So I know that it does happen, and I'm 100% positive that I have one of each sex.

poult...It's funny that you should say that about female geese because there have been days that I'd swear that it's Gabi on top of Gus, and not the other way around.  Then one day
I was actually close enough to really take notice...and it was Gabi who mounted Gus.  They had been splashing around in their new pool for awhile, with Gus doing his usual feather
plucking and rustling of Gabi's back and rear end, when all of the sudden, Gabi whipped her head around and grabbed Gus by the back of his neck and well...took him for a ride, so to !!!  So I know that it does happen, and I'm 100% positive that I have one of each sex.


That's very interesting and helpful! :lol: Thanks! I'm going to do some research I guess! I'm starting think I should just sex Damascus then. If it were a he instead a she it would make sense why the drakes go for Assyra the most!
A lot of breeds of geese naturally want to brood.They aren't bred as far away from their natural instincts as chickens are I would just get a breed you like the most :) Mine are Africans and show a lot of broodiness(I have yet to let them try and brood any though).
It's hatch day!!!!!

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Assyra is officially 100% broody!!!!!! She can't hatch her eggs though so I gave her 10 chicken eggs but one broke so now there is 9 she tore out a bunch of her chest feathers and added them in and Damascus sometimes lays on the eggs with her and she tore some chest feathers out to so the eggs should hatch 3 weeks from Easter!

Egg #2 has hatched. Looks like it will be a grey boy. All grey and solid white end up boys. Girls are always white with grey blotches. Self sexing geese.

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