GOOSE BREEDING THREAD - for breeding, incubating, hatching and rearing.

Oh no you're fine. I'm sorry. Sometimes a big girl can be a bit defensive and I'm having a bad week. No excuse. I'm sorry.
I learned from an experience I had. I had lost weight and wore the larger pants outside only for them to start falling off outside!!! The geese do not even have to pull on them they just fell off. Not a problem I understand more than you know.
I currently have 17 Pomeranian saddlebacks, some gray and some buff. Just finished(I think) hatching season with last four goslings. Have two others about three weeks old. This has been the weirdest hatching season ever. Geese started laying in Feb. and quit by spring when they should have started. Started again about six weeks ago, ergo the goslings. Noticed that when I change their pools of water, that they are still mating a lot. Would not be surprised if some of them started laying again. I thought geese only mated when they were laying or getting ready to start laying. They free range and have access to cracked corn all the time. Maybe this is a factor. Anyone else experiencing this in your flock?
I currently have 17 Pomeranian saddlebacks, some gray and some buff. Just finished(I think) hatching season with last four goslings. Have two others about three weeks old. This has been the weirdest hatching season ever. Geese started laying in Feb. and quit by spring when they should have started. Started again about six weeks ago, ergo the goslings. Noticed that when I change their pools of water, that they are still mating a lot. Would not be surprised if some of them started laying again. I thought geese only mated when they were laying or getting ready to start laying. They free range and have access to cracked corn all the time. Maybe this is a factor. Anyone else experiencing this in your flock?
Mine don´t do this, but they have their goslings to raise to keep them busy. (you put ergo the goslings. I don´t know if that means they have the goslings or not) Seems strange behaviour if they´re raising goslings. However, if they don´t have goslings, maybe they´re trying to get some in before the year ends....

And mine eat corn all year.
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I've noticed, too, that mine have stopped laying for the year but there is some fighting (mine aren't mating) going on. I was wondering about that. Usually they knock that crap off by now.

The scovies are still mating and trying to nest again once more and the geese always get annoyed when someone else is "getting some". I wonder if it's that or my eldest gosling is actually a gander and, as has been said, they're trying to pair up.

I made a huge mistake, I sexed NONE of my goslings. And now I have no idea how I can. Buffs only have slight (VERY SLIGHT) dimorphism

Sorry I don't have an answer, but you're not alone.
The geese were free ranging and I went out to find that something had gotten my largest buff goose. And it was the one I was planning on showing next month :( we think it was a coyote or a fox. They are pretty brave around here.
The geese were free ranging and I went out to find that something had gotten my largest buff goose. And it was the one I was planning on showing next month
we think it was a coyote or a fox. They are pretty brave around here.
I'm so sorry, one of the prices we pay when we allow our flocks to free range and be as natural as possible,. Keep your others close because what ever it was will be back.
The geese were free ranging and I went out to find that something had gotten my largest buff goose. And it was the one I was planning on showing next month
we think it was a coyote or a fox. They are pretty brave around here.
So sorry to hear about your goose. We have flying (hawks, buzzards, eagles) and four legged predators (raccoon, coyote, fox, bobcat, skunk, etc.) so none of our birds (chickens, ducks and geese) get to free range without one of us out there. We make it a point to give them all a few hours each day, two or three times a day to range that way. We take a book out to read or just stand there and meditate and, I admit, we are lucky because we are both retired and are able to commit to this. I don't know what we would do if we still were working.
I get chew fest every evening. It's a lot of fun. 2 are delicate with me, 2 like to grab and pull and pinch. Just think, there are very few people in life that have experienced the joy of geese chewing on them!

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