Goose Has a Nest But...


Mar 28, 2019
Arkdale, Wisconsin
So my lady goose has made herself a nest right up by our house and I was thrilled but, we have lots of predators (mainly raccoons and foxes) and she absolutely can’t go broody there. We’ve been taking her eggs everyday to prevent her from going broody and we’ve been considering making her a little goose house with a pen so she doesn’t have to move her nest but it’s take a lot of time to design/build a little house that will fit up against our house. Our other option is to set eggs in the geese part of our barn to try and entice her to brood there but our ducks frequent our barn and while a sturdy fence divides their areas she was attacked by our male duck while we let the ducks and geese out together for a bit so she’s traumatized by the ducks. She used to lay in the barn but after she was attacked she stays outside all day. I really want what’s best for her so I’m very conflicted! The picture below is where she lays her eggs and under the dirt is an egg she buried!
If you want to stop her from laying in that area you could put something over it to block it off completely. With my muscovy hens you could remove every egg and kick all the nesting around and they would still come and sit there and brood the dirt. Only thing I could do was put a brick or other object over their spot to break them lol.

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