Goose has Cocci but vet does not know what to tell us about giving medicine, method and dosage

Thanks again for your advise, Bruce seems to be doing a little better. After a few false starts with the pills (he has a beak made of iron, and he holds the pill for a few minutes before he spits it out) I switched to making a slurry with the pill in a few ML of hot water and a drop of molasses. We are getting that in while he chews on the syringe. No choking and he is not getting too upset. He is getting the SMZ pill twice a day. So far we only got the full dose in him for 2 days so this is day 3 for the SMZs. He also got 3ML of Safeguard goat version (10% Suspension Fenbendazole liquid) for worms today. As far as a change, I do see his apatite improving. He really likes the mush you suggested with the wet pellets and he actually finishes the dish (about a 8 OZ cup of dry pellets plus water). He also started picking on the Kale and watermelon I gave him.

I do have one question on the medicine. I have seen many posts where they say 3 days for the safeguard wormer then repeat in 10 days, but I have not seen anything clearly saying how long to give the SMZ pills. For my horses they usually go 7 days when being treated with SMZs, is it the same for a goose or shorter like 5 days? Your advise is very much appreciated.
Thanks again for your advise, Bruce seems to be doing a little better. After a few false starts with the pills (he has a beak made of iron, and he holds the pill for a few minutes before he spits it out) I switched to making a slurry with the pill in a few ML of hot water and a drop of molasses. We are getting that in while he chews on the syringe. No choking and he is not getting too upset. He is getting the SMZ pill twice a day. So far we only got the full dose in him for 2 days so this is day 3 for the SMZs. He also got 3ML of Safeguard goat version (10% Suspension Fenbendazole liquid) for worms today. As far as a change, I do see his apatite improving. He really likes the mush you suggested with the wet pellets and he actually finishes the dish (about a 8 OZ cup of dry pellets plus water). He also started picking on the Kale and watermelon I gave him.

I do have one question on the medicine. I have seen many posts where they say 3 days for the safeguard wormer then repeat in 10 days, but I have not seen anything clearly saying how long to give the SMZ pills. For my horses they usually go 7 days when being treated with SMZs, is it the same for a goose or shorter like 5 days? Your advise is very much appreciated.
Glad to hear he’s starting to feeling better!

5 to 7 days with the SMZTMP, 7 days would probably be best.
Thanks again for your advise, Bruce seems to be doing a little better. After a few false starts with the pills (he has a beak made of iron, and he holds the pill for a few minutes before he spits it out) I switched to making a slurry with the pill in a few ML of hot water and a drop of molasses. We are getting that in while he chews on the syringe. No choking and he is not getting too upset. He is getting the SMZ pill twice a day. So far we only got the full dose in him for 2 days so this is day 3 for the SMZs. He also got 3ML of Safeguard goat version (10% Suspension Fenbendazole liquid) for worms today. As far as a change, I do see his apatite improving. He really likes the mush you suggested with the wet pellets and he actually finishes the dish (about a 8 OZ cup of dry pellets plus water). He also started picking on the Kale and watermelon I gave him.

I do have one question on the medicine. I have seen many posts where they say 3 days for the safeguard wormer then repeat in 10 days, but I have not seen anything clearly saying how long to give the SMZ pills. For my horses they usually go 7 days when being treated with SMZs, is it the same for a goose or shorter like 5 days? Your advise is very much appreciated.
We finished the medicine but Bruce seems to be having more problems breathing. Also he still has runny tan poop. I also notice that he appears to eat his pellets as mush, but when I change his water there is a pile of pellet mush at the bottom of the water bowl. Since I never had a goose before i am not sure what is normal. Should his poop look like the solid round curls you see when the Canadian geese are walking around in groups by a community pond? Is this wheezing on the inhale a normal sound for birds? If I didn't know better I would say he has pneumonia. I will attach a video of him making the sound. Thanks again.
I loaded a few short videos to show the breathing on YouTube, attached are the links . I would appreciate it if you gave my your opinion on his breathing.

I would suggest getting some probiotics also.

Another thing I should mention on the chance it rears it’s ugly head, coccidia can predispose the digestive tract to enteritis/clostridium infection.

Metronidazole can treat that, from my own expierience metro in conjunction with Tylosin is highly effective when you don’t know what strain of clostridium it is and your vet is less than helpful.
Tylosin works best by injection however, in my state I can’t get the liquid without a prescription so I use the powder
given orally 4 or 5 times daily. Putting it in water doesn’t seem to work because the taste is so harsh they won’t drink it.
NOTE: Tylosin should not be given to horses.

Metronidazole can be purchased as fish antibiotics.
Hi Goosebaby, I added a few new posts on Bruce but it looks like I replied to me and not to you. I am still getting to understand this platform. Would you please take a look at the video I posted of Bruces breathing? Thanks so much.

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