goose sleeping with neck outstretched...any ideas why?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 6, 2014
Hi ive seen my lady goose lucia sleeping with her neck on the ground a couple of times lately, rather than tucked behind her in her feathers as she usually does. What can I do? She still usually sleeps normally and doesnt seem to have any other problems, she happily walks around with her head in the the air. Only other thing ive noticed is that she isnt cleaning herself much, not that she ever did compared to her husband paco but shes looking a bit dirtier than before.
Hi ive seen my lady goose lucia sleeping with her neck on the ground a couple of times lately, rather than tucked behind her in her feathers as she usually does. What can I do? She still usually sleeps normally and doesnt seem to have any other problems, she happily walks around with her head in the the air. Only other thing ive noticed is that she isnt cleaning herself much, not that she ever did compared to her husband paco but shes looking a bit dirtier than before.
How old is lucia? do you think she may have eaten something that has caused her to feel bad? do they have access to grass for grazing? I really don't have an answer but if you think there is remote possiblility she has eaten something toxic you might want to do a flush you can pick up activated charcoal in the antacid isle at the grocery or pharmacy and open a capsule and place in her water it will flush out any kind of toxin. except metal.
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Thanks for the advice...ill see if I can find that, im sure it will help...she doesnt get any grass unfortunately because it really isnt available here in yemen but she does get plenty of other greens. Im not sure how old she is, ive had her for nearly 6 months but she's yet to lay so she must still be young.
Thanks for the advice...ill see if I can find that, im sure it will help...she doesnt get any grass unfortunately because it really isnt available here in yemen but she does get plenty of other greens. Im not sure how old she is, ive had her for nearly 6 months but she's yet to lay so she must still be young.
Yemen wow that's a long way from the USA. glad your able to find other greens for them, Alot of us have to do this in winter months. try to stay away from spinach though it isn't so good for geese. Romaine lettuce is a big hit here though. Please let us know how she is doing. If you can find some good poultry vitamins you might try adding so to their water, then again this may not be nothing to worry about but it's always a good idea to have some things on hand just in case. How about appetite still eating good?
Haha yes it certainly is a long way but my birds keep me sane! She seems generally ok to be honest, I tried her on some meal worm pellets earlier, which she was quite keen to taste but paco wouldnt let her so im not sure if he's helping or hindering. Theyre both keen on cabbage and theyre gettung vitamins in their water too so hopefully this is as you say nothing to worry about. Thanks for the tip to stay away from spinach...good to know. Generally my birds get whatever I can lay my hands on here as theres really quite a limit. But im lucku as the local grocer is happy to sell me a huge bag of whatever he cant sell normally every now and again so at least theyre assured a certain amount of variety :)
Haha yes it certainly is a long way but my birds keep me sane! She seems generally ok to be honest, I tried her on some meal worm pellets earlier, which she was quite keen to taste but paco wouldnt let her so im not sure if he's helping or hindering. Theyre both keen on cabbage and theyre gettung vitamins in their water too so hopefully this is as you say nothing to worry about. Thanks for the tip to stay away from spinach...good to know. Generally my birds get whatever I can lay my hands on here as theres really quite a limit. But im lucku as the local grocer is happy to sell me a huge bag of whatever he cant sell normally every now and again so at least theyre assured a certain amount of variety
Hi batha. It´s not normal for a goose to sit like this, so I´d say she´s definitely under the weather All that Lydia said is good, also about the charcoal, but be careful with the greens from the green grocer, as they can have insecticide and things on them. Do you wash it all well? Also, make sure you don´t give them any greens that are going over.
Can you get Apple Cider Vinegar where you are? It´s very good as a tonic, and helps against minor things, also do you see any worms in the poops? Hope she picks up soon.
Oh thankyou...I hadnt thought of the pesticides and stuff...ill wash it all more carefully from now on. Her poop seems pretty normal, havent spotted any worms, I have a bottle of apple vinegar, which I think is the same thing more or less, what should I do with that? Put a spoonful in her water? Ive just been out to check on her again and it seems that shes just very tired. She stands up and walks a little way, seeming fine, but then sits down for a rest. I do hope its nothing serious, paco would be so upset apart from anything else!
Oh thankyou...I hadnt thought of the pesticides and stuff...ill wash it all more carefully from now on. Her poop seems pretty normal, havent spotted any worms, I have a bottle of apple vinegar, which I think is the same thing more or less, what should I do with that? Put a spoonful in her water? Ive just been out to check on her again and it seems that shes just very tired. She stands up and walks a little way, seeming fine, but then sits down for a rest. I do hope its nothing serious, paco would be so upset apart from anything else!
You can add 1 Tablespoon of ACV to 1 gallon of water as a tonic for geese and actually for yourself.

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