goose sleeping with neck outstretched...any ideas why?

Thanks for all the advice I really appreciate it. Just an update, ive given her her vitamin water and charcoal and she seems to have more energy now, shes been munching on tomatoes but was having trouble swallowing at maybe theres something stuck in her throat...also she weighs next to nothing. Tomorrow we'll try to see if we can get her xrayed. But her saliva smells bad... :(
Thanks for all the advice I really appreciate it. Just an update, ive given her her vitamin water and charcoal and she seems to have more energy now, shes been munching on tomatoes but was having trouble swallowing at maybe theres something stuck in her throat...also she weighs next to nothing. Tomorrow we'll try to see if we can get her xrayed. But her saliva smells bad...
Could she have pick up some kind of metal? good idea to have her xrayed. please let us know how she is doing.

Here is some info on metal poisoning
Thanks for all your advice. We still are none the wiser about whats wrong with lucia...but after 3 antibiotic injections from the vet she seemed to have gained appetite, especially for watermelon! And put on weight. But we realise that she keeps spitting something, like mucus, she nods her head to spit. Also she still sleeps sometimes with her head outstretched. The vet said she was too weak for an xray so we're still not able to check about metal poisoning.
Thanks for all your advice. We still are none the wiser about whats wrong with lucia...but after 3 antibiotic injections from the vet she seemed to have gained appetite, especially for watermelon! And put on weight. But we realise that she keeps spitting something, like mucus, she nods her head to spit. Also she still sleeps sometimes with her head outstretched. The vet said she was too weak for an xray so we're still not able to check about metal poisoning.
Glad she´s putting on weight, that´s a good sign. And eating, too...
What are her poops like? I don´t understand that she´s too weak for an x-ray..?
It does sound like she has something there that´s causing problems, though. Has she been checked for gape worm? Or maybe some string or something, a bit of plastic, that´s got caught in her throat or gullet that´s not hindering her food going down, but is still causing probs? Sometimes long grass can do this, it won´t pass through. She´s getting grit in her diet? Sorry, I may have asked these questions before, can´t remember, as I babble on on a few of the threads....
Glad she´s putting on weight, that´s a good sign. And eating, too...
What are her poops like? I don´t understand that she´s too weak for an x-ray..?
It does sound like she has something there that´s causing problems, though. Has she been checked for gape worm? Or maybe some string or something, a bit of plastic, that´s got caught in her throat or gullet that´s not hindering her food going down, but is still causing probs? Sometimes long grass can do this, it won´t pass through. She´s getting grit in her diet? Sorry, I may have asked these questions before, can´t remember, as I babble on on a few of the threads....
Her poop seems fine I think tho there was a time when it was a white liquid. I think the likely thing is that she does have something in her throat like plastic or something as although her appetite is great now and shes always hungry, she seema to eat a bit strangely, from the side of her beak and is a bit slow at swallowing compared with Paco the male goose. The thing with the xray is that there are only xrays for humans not animals so I guess theyre more powerful
Thanks so muxch for your advice and concern, we really appreciate it!
Her poop seems fine I think tho there was a time when it was a white liquid. I think the likely thing is that she does have something in her throat like plastic or something as although her appetite is great now and shes always hungry, she seema to eat a bit strangely, from the side of her beak and is a bit slow at swallowing compared with Paco the male goose. The thing with the xray is that there are only xrays for humans not animals so I guess theyre more powerful
Thanks so muxch for your advice and concern, we really appreciate it!
Are you in the USA, because most vets have Xray equipment set up to do animals. Maybe the vet could at least sedate her and look down her throat. If there is something there it might be easy to see and remove.
Yeah unfortunately no, we're in yemen where theres hardly any vets letalone vets with xray equipment! Sedation is a good idea though...illl see if we can try that, thanks
Yeah unfortunately no, we're in yemen where theres hardly any vets letalone vets with xray equipment! Sedation is a good idea though...illl see if we can try that, thanks
That's too bad they don't have Xray equipment, but light sedation may turn up something. Please keep us updated, and maybe try making her feed into a gruel where it's pretty wet by using Apple Cider Vinegar and warm water, it may go down easier and the ACV is a good antibacterial and all round tonic. Try a small amount first to see if she'll take it that way you won't be wasting it. You can maybe try 1 cup of feed to warm water and 2 teaspoons of ACV it can also be used in their drinking bucket 1-2 Tablespoons to 1 gal of water.
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Ah ok yes great idea ill try these things and keep you updated. Thanks again, so much :)

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