Goose standing around, not grazing or moving--update she's ALIVE

Yes, I believe so. I think she died yesterday not long after I last saw her. The gander is very depressed and is hanging around the spot where he last comforted her yesterday.

Here is a photo I took of her on Sunday when I first saw her acting sick:

Here she is with her gander, Louie a couple weeks ago. Too bad they never had goslings:

Aww she was so pretty, do you think she may have been poisoned? It breaks my heart to see domesticated geese living in parks. I hope Louie will be okay.
I don't think she was poisoned because I think the other geese would be sick, too. She never ate anything that the other geese didn't eat and rarely ate handouts or people food. She has been there for three or four years. She lost her mate, Jack a couple of years ago and I don't think she ever got over him. Louie has been in love with her since she arrived, but she used to fight with him and she "fell in love" with a Canada gander after Jack died and he rejected her. She was finally starting to bond to Louie who doted over her. It was so cute watching them as Louie loves to chat and her voice was usually quieter.

I have so many pictures of her. I might make a slideshow of them.
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What the heck!? I don't know what happened as I was 100% sure she was dead and disposed of, but this morning, there she was with Louie, standing around. She seems better, more alert and looking around, but still not grazing.

If I ever had to feel stupid, awkward and wrong about something, this would be a good thing to be wrong about.
Someone either took her to a vet or she was hiding because I looked everywhere for her. I did see a grayish white lump on the far side of the lake last week, but didn't have my binoculars to check it out. It looked like a rock or a piece of trash. But, now it's gone and there she is.

One thing I noticed is that she has lost some weight. She used to have a big heavy lobe under her, but it's shrunk a lot in the last week or so.
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