Goose Stories

Today I felt good enough to sit outside for ten minutes or so with my birds.
I took the opportunity of taking some more up-to-date photos. Matilda is much harder to photograph; she is exceedingly suspicious and won't come near the iPad!

Great pics.. Looks like your gander doesn't mind getting his pic taken. My gander is a ham to. Great to hear you felt good enough to be outside some.
I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I hope all these geese pictures help you along

We just started a trial foster period with this 1.5 year old gander that grew up in a farm animal sanctuary. We named him Ganon! The sanctuary thought he was a Greylag, but someone in the forums ID'd him as a Toulouse (possibly mix?) Whatever he is, we've had him with us 5 days and I'm already head-over-heels in love with him! We wanted a flock guardian for our 9 Indian Runner ducks, and he stepped up to the task immediately; from the instant he stepped out of his transport crate, he's been following the ducks everywhere they go in everything they do! Even when they take off running and he has to rush his chubby little butt after them!

He likes to come right up next to me and tell me stories when I'm outside. Of course, when he's not right next to me, he has to SCREECHY HONK all of his stories, which I'm sure the neighbors just love




He scared the pants right off the ducks when he first went running up to them, and they hid from him for about twenty minutes! There was a lot of pouting and honking in that twenty minutes, but after that, the ducks warmed up to him shockingly fast, and he's been stuck to them like glue ever since! He always looks so proud of his little flock!



Although his default posture is pretty haughty... I'll admit to being totally charmed by his snooty face!


And he has little pantaloons!!!
I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I hope all these geese pictures help you along

We just started a trial foster period with this 1.5 year old gander that grew up in a farm animal sanctuary. We named him Ganon! The sanctuary thought he was a Greylag, but someone in the forums ID'd him as a Toulouse (possibly mix?) Whatever he is, we've had him with us 5 days and I'm already head-over-heels in love with him! We wanted a flock guardian for our 9 Indian Runner ducks, and he stepped up to the task immediately; from the instant he stepped out of his transport crate, he's been following the ducks everywhere they go in everything they do! Even when they take off running and he has to rush his chubby little butt after them!

He likes to come right up next to me and tell me stories when I'm outside. Of course, when he's not right next to me, he has to SCREECHY HONK all of his stories, which I'm sure the neighbors just love

He scared the pants right off the ducks when he first went running up to them, and they hid from him for about twenty minutes! There was a lot of pouting and honking in that twenty minutes, but after that, the ducks warmed up to him shockingly fast, and he's been stuck to them like glue ever since! He always looks so proud of his little flock!

Although his default posture is pretty haughty... I'll admit to being totally charmed by his snooty face!

And he has little pantaloons!!!
I just love him!! and the moon pic is priceless lol
This is Aduck my 7 month old Embden goose playing nintendo and watching Disney movies with the kiddos.

He is my little man.



Aduck grooming my Aussie Elsa.
Thank you guys so much! Sorry I haven't replied sooner; my iPad is ancient and hates this site. :/

Dee duck sounds like my girl, Helena. She went broody this spring and heavens to Betsy, was she ever vicious! She's officially earned herself the title of Scariest Animal on the Farmlet-- and we have goats, geese, cats, other ducks, and chickens!

It cracks me up how pompous geese are. Even while they're tripping over the feed bowl. We have a porch in our backyard that obscures the geese's bodies, so they look like parade floats going by!

This really helped cheer me up today. I'm really sick again, plus the **** blasted coyote kille two of our cats in the last week, and injured a duck. Sometimes I want to go to sleep and never wake up again. :(:hit
Don't think like that! I don't know your stand points on believing in God but I would like to share with you that God loves you and he sent his own son to die for you so that you might have life and hope. Forcus on him who loves you most. During some of the most trying time he gotten me through on verse he givn me that helps when I have negetive thoughts is 2 corinthians 10:4&5 for the weapond of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in pulling down strongholds. Casting down arguments and any high thing that exalts itself against the Knowledge of GOD bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
Don't think like that! I don't know your stand points on believing in God but I would like to share with you that God loves you and he sent his own son to die for you so that you might have life and hope. Forcus on him who loves you most. During some of the most trying time he gotten me through on verse he givn me that helps when I have negetive thoughts is 2 corinthians 10:4&5 for the weapond of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in pulling down strongholds. Casting down arguments and any high thing that exalts itself against the Knowledge of GOD bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

I am a Christian, but I've been too sick to attend church for almost two years. Our churches have been very unsupportive.

Being so sick for so long is really messing me up. Plus the side effects of the immune-suppressant drugs are gnarly.

I miss my geese. :(

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