Goose with worms??!

My goose has a crooked neck so to speak. He was born that way which limits his ability to clean himself as well as the others. Thank you everyone! I think I have what I need and I am treating him :)
ah I see, that info would have been good to have in the first post. If he cant bath right on his own, you should think about helping him get a proper bath once a week with your help. Good luck.

.....edited all previous responses after noticing the other responder is from the same farm/same goose. Cant offer advice when not all details are given.
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This is the Gander a couple months ago when the babies were small. His deformity came with him, his head sits on the left side of his neck.
Here he is bathing with the group, he is the upside down one! LOL Celtic, I am away from home, Lane is my daughter, she is charged with caring for everyone while I am away. I am gald she can come to BYC like I did years ago to learn and seek support if she can not get ahold of me. We have never had to worm before anyone, but this is a year of parasittes and worms in our climate for sure. We have to work extra hard at sanitation right now. Also Nigel has mostly stood guard while everyone bathes so he has gotten behind I think. I can only hope it is simple worms and keep an eye on him in case it is something more serious like Fly Strike, which I was not aware of. Thank you for your help!!!
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