Gosling advice

Can you get a clearer picture of his eyes? Is it possible to get him to a vet? Yolk sac infections are very severe and can spread through the body quickly. I’m not sure what’s wrong with the eyes but it almost looks like some sort of conjunctivitis or other eye infection, though it’s hard to tell from the picture. Baytril combats most gram positive and gram negative infections, you can get online but that may be too late, a vet will have it on hand usually.


@Jenbirdee @JRies @BirdsBeesTrees @fowltemptress @FoodFreedomNow
may sounds silly but i have to ask has he been drinking water? extreme dehydration also causes eye cloudiness . most likely seems infection since he had a problem with the yolk sack and now could needs antibiotics such as baytril 🙏 i pray for little simon to get well ❤️‍🩹
That's a sick gosling. Prepare yourself to lose him.
I agree that the umbilical might be infected. It looks awfully red and is an open sore. That needs to be treated with standard wound care - no hydrogen peroxide, but try to keep the umbilical clean and dry; Betadine or another topical treatment and a bandage if possible.

The eyes are Not Good. If you have any Rooster Booster or whatever avian health care, I would suggest using that. You need to get some vitamins into him somehow. You can try adding chopped garlic to his water, or whatever you use for ill birds, and just try to get him to eat. It looks like that's a film over his eyes, or maybe he's blind. That's not as big a problem for geese as it is for other birds, but its not a good sign.
The neck issue makes me think of Marek's Disease, or wry neck - which is usually caused by a lack of proper vitamins and minerals. If he's too weak to eat on his own, that's Mother Nature trying to bring him home.

Do your best to keep him warm, make sure he has water and food, and make him comfortable while he heals or passes. Unfortunately, not all babies survive. (I lost 6 this past season, I know how much it hurts.)
Thank you everyone for your words and not for judging me for not knowing about all this. I thought they hatch and mum will look after them and all will be fine. Never knew about the rest of it. He has been feeding more today I’ve separated him and another one from the two lively ones as they would walk over them. I don’t think on purpose but still it was upsetting to see. They have hot water bottle under covers for warmth. While I await being able to get heat lamp. To be honest I didn’t think we would have any more hatch after the first five that have been fab with the adults. But the adults left the eggs each day. Stone cold. So I was shocked when I saw some pipping away. Husband is working long hours this week with coaches and I don’t drive so anything I need to get I’ll have to order online. Thanks again. I’ll c how he is in the morning. Just given them fresh hot water bottle. As I know it holds warm for a long time. I must admit Simon does respond to my touch and snuggles into my hands.
Im sorry Im late in answering on my side. Assisted hatches are always a issue. Silly question do you think some of the shrink wrapped men brain ended up on the eye? Saline sounds good to me. So every hatch of 20 plus goslings someone gets shrink wrapped. Most of the time its where the inner membrane attaches to the side of the head. Yes can land on to the eye itself. Clearing it is definitely moisture. The membrane drys when it gets air then needs moisture to release. New hatches cant do that. Had one this year with the membrane completely incapacitating 1/2 its head. Could still breath but was sure it would be blind. Used cotton gloves with warm water to loosen it without touching the eye. Baby good but that one probably needs a douse of water. The membrane is really thin but needs to be gone. Absolutely saline/water or just warm water head douses. They dont have tear ducks like we do. they are developing inter eye lids. But as hatchling s its a open lid and a closed one. My suggestion warm water avaliby to head douching. Its choice dont drownd it. warm wather bath.
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As for broody geese so you have others that could have added a few eggs. Also when a goose goes broody there no usually done laying they will add a few more. makes a short 31 day hatch turn into a 40 day hatch. an day 33-34-35 there all yours. To many babies requiring there intimidate attention because they went that way. Whats a mom to do? Ok so the first egg she layed had a older embryo add 2 days the last egg she laid well it was the first to hatch. Dang what a mom to do? Baby went that way. I feal for what your going through. But it seems your doing a good faster mom situation. Yes she will take them back.
Well looks like I failed as a goose mum. Simon passed away over night. Absolutely gutted. So now there is three left. Two are doing amazing. The third is two days old today so just bit smaller. But will catch up. Thank you all for your advice. I guess I’m not a goose mummy after all. I best stick to my lambs.
If you mother geese, you're a goose mom.
I'm sorry you lost Simon. We can't know all the reasons things happen. You have to be willing to put your trust in a Higher Power and accept that sometimes the answer to your prayers isn't what you wanted. I am so very sorry for your loss.

I also don't drive. I understand the frustration. This was my first year incubating my flock's eggs and there were some amazing successes, but some gut-wrenching failures.
My geese, for whatever reason, haven't been laying fertile eggs - my gander might be shooting blanks. I ordered another 2 unsexed goslings and have been raising them to be new additions to my flock of geese, but it would have been nice to have some homegrown babies.

Goslings, in my experience, are more forgiving of age and size differences. They want to do things together, as part of the group, so will wait for each other and try to spend time just being small fluffballs. I wouldn't worry about your younger gosling. It will grow quickly and soon be like the others.
I lost the other one today. I called him Webster. Absolutely gutted but the two I do have that are absolutely thriving. They have the run of the small bedroom (my office/craft room) they have large swim bowl water bowl of drinking water their feed and fresh cut grass. As in me going out in the field and cutting the grass with scissors lol they are fluffy and cute. Still hurts that I got attached


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