Gosling in trouble!

Doc Henry

10 Years
Nov 16, 2009
Georgetown Tx
I hatched my first gosling at about midnight it still doesn't look well. Its not moving around much and is still connected to the shell. I'm woundering if I should use some absorbable suture and tie off the stump to free it up (thats what i do with puppies) but I'm unsure if I should mess with it or leave it alone. I need help on this one, I'm fresh out of good ideas on what to do.
I'm sorry, I can't help. I hope you get an answer soon!!
How lond has it been since it hatched? If the cord is still attached, make sure to keep it quiet while it absorbs. Although it's tempting to do something about this, you should proceed with caution. Is the navel area closed up or large? Pictures could help us to answer you better.
been out about 12 hours now cord is about as big around as a pencil,no sack any more, and its looking alot more dry. sorry no pics batteries are toast on the digital camera and the cell phone looks like poo. the little goose had trouble hatching just pecked a large hole in the side of the egg then plopped out, looked like the head was under a wing. its not even trying to get up it just moves now and then dragging the shell around. kinda hard too watch!
Thanks Sooner! Well its looking a little better now but still connected to the egg shell i've chipped away all I can with my big ape hands I'll work on it a little more when the boss lady with tiny hands gets home. I'll probably put him in the brooder at that time too. Since I only have 1 gosling does anyone see any problems with putting a few chicks in with it or quail chicks I have both hatching right now also its in with quaill chicks in the bator now just seems like he might squish them, its so big and clumsy.
Glad to hear it is alittle better, maybe now that everyone is off work & home you might get some more help.

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