gosling not standing, weak leg


12 Years
Jul 23, 2007
This is my second post, was in wrong area.

I have a 10 week old gosling with a foot turned in and not able to walk.

Last week she was found laying down and very weak, taken to the vet and was given a Vit B injection, Enroflozan and told to give vitamins. We kept her in the house gave her water and wild duck food. She WAS eating chicken scratch. Started water therapy in the bath tub with slow sucess. Several days later she was standing up but on her (Knees, Elbows?) Her right leg is stronger but her left leg moves very little and she trips over it , it is turned in and on top of the right. She now likes me to support her while she eats or she falls in her food and quits eating.
I have worked hard to help her, up every night to feed and make sure her box is clean and dry. I have grown to really love this gosling and want to return her to our farm and to her family.

What can I do, any ideas ??????????

Her name is Oatmeal
Sounds like you are on the right track. Ducks and geese have very sensitive legs that are easily injured. They need more niacin then chickens so they should be fed something like Purina Flock raiser, a waterfowl starter, or a meat bird feed. Check the label to be sure that it has supplemental niacin. Too little niacin can affect their legs. Too much protein or growing too fast also makes their legs weak. I add oats to my duck and goose food to cut the protein percentage. The water therapy is especially good for waterfowl since their legs are really built for swimming. When I have had a duck or goose come up lame, I keep it in a separate pen at night, take it swimming once a day, and put it on the lawn for a while with the other birds during the day so that it can graze (sitting down) or just spend time with the others.


Will the other geese kill the gosling if I put her out with them? Will they see her as too weak to survive or abandon her, an outcast?
Are the other geese deficent in Niacin also?Should I give them more Niacin to boost their system, I have changed their diet to a waterfowl starter.

Oatmeal seems to be doing better each day, I just wish she didn't want me to hold her up so she could eat.
Thanks for your help....

niacin sounds like a possibility... but I have had both ducks and geese get bumblefoot quite often. I'd think the vet would have spotted that pretty easily, though.
My geese are all very bonded to each other and they never pick on each other (just the ducks) except of course for breeding season when the males get grumpy. I think that you can put "Oatmeal" outside for some quality time with her buddies without trouble.

If your birds are now on waterfowl feed, they should be getting enough niacin, but you can always give them some extra once in a while.

"Oatmeal" should be able to eat while sitting if she has food and water in low enough bowls. The daily swimming also gives her a chance to clear her nostrils and eyes while she is strengthening her legs.

Do you have any pictures of Oatmeal and her friends? I'd love to see her.

Sorry it has been so long..

Oatmeal stood up using "the whole leg" on both legs. Her left foot is still turned in but I was very encouraged. Later that day I took her to the farm to visit and she "walked " across the yard to get to the other geese. She is very clumsy and falls down every other step. I have high hopes for her...

I have pictures to send but haven't figures out how to send them to the computer, then I will work on getting them to you.

Thanks for your help
Oatmeals Mom
Something my father and grandmother did with their flock......

A teaspoon or two of cod liver oil on the gosling's food. My grandmother said it would ward off just about all leg problems. I also remember my Dad telling me ricket type problems were common in geese that didn't get enough nutrition from the chicken feed available commercially at the time. All those feed choices didn't exist when my father and I were growing up. Cod liver oil worked and it's cheap.

One of those things that can't hurt a bit and could do a world of good. Plus the geese kind of thought the smell was a plus. I do remember my dad putting a spoonful on the feed and watching the babies dive for it.
well again,

We took Oatmeal to the vets on tuesday. They put a splint on her leg to help keep them open and straight. She is miserable and hurts. She cries when I move her and I have to move her often. I can't find a way to support her, she wants to move around and her legs are splinted together. When I have her supported in an upright position she falls on her face, I am afraid she is going to break her neck. I am sorry I haven't be able to post pictures will try later maybe not until Monday.
I need suggestions, my mother is babysitting for me this weekend and I fear for Oatmeals safety. This is her gosling and doesn't want to get someone elses help.
Say a prayer for her....
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