Gosling with a severed foot.

OH, NO NO NO, HEAVENS NO HE'S NOT IN A SHED! That made my stomach hurt just thinking about it! We live in Texas... its already up into the 90's here! I can barely stand being outside so i know its gotta be hot with all that downy feather coverage.

He is on our covered patio. We have a HUGE tree in the yard that gives my ducks plenty of shade... but they also have access to pools and mud. I have been letting him have a swim right before i take his bandages off so he gets a little swim time but the wound gets cleaned out immediately and dried off with clean dressings. Its basically got a dog paw protector on it now... its like a balloon. It has kept the muck out and away from the gauze and out of the wound.

I have never taken care of a goose... but from what i have read they get hot easily.

i would punch someone for keeping a goose in the shed during the summer... :(
Hahaha, ok. Well, I don´t know what the weather´s like, and people keep their birds in all different settings, so....
It seems you´re doing great. Just to let you know how geese can cope with the heat, last year one of my geese was determined to sit on an empty nest (winter-time, of course) in full sun. It gets quite hot in the sun here, probably around 80º or so, and she would sit there panting. But I could not get her off that nest. She chose to stay there for weeks, roasting in the sun. Crazy bird. It obviously was not too much for her, or she would have gone off. So, it´s surprising what they can put up with.
Well If she lives in Texas, It gets about 90 To 110 Degree's during the summer. And that's not just noon where its the hot time of day, It's all day around. The nights are about 70 On a good night. Most of it is dry heat. You have maybe 3-5 months out of the year where you can burn your "Burn Pile" Because of how easily it is to start grass fires. In the day time. So During the day it would be anywhere from 100-130 degree's In a shed. That is not AC Cooled depending on the shed, Most Shed's in Texas Are just metal cased small inclosures (MOST) Not all. Unless you live in a very good neighborhood. Or you build your own With that being said, I have no idea what her shed looks like. Or anything like that. But I can understand why she would just be in a "
" Hearing someone would put a goose or any animal in a shed.

With that being said, You are already taking amazing care of the poor guy. I am very glad your neighbors are helping you out with this.

Maybe you can get a medium sized bowl or Container, that you can put some water in. Deep enough so he can dunk his head. But not big enough to where he can fully climb in. Even if he steps in it he cant lay down in it. That way he can at least cool his head off a small bit. Play in it. Geese and ducks LOOOOVEEE water. And Mud.
Thank you for all your help with this poor guy.
I remember being in an outdoor open concept shopping area once and they had some kind of fan that had a built in water source. It sprayed lightly on you (and the air) as you walked through. It was MUCH cooler in that spot. It was smallish.....and didn't hold a ton of water. (the awesome neighbors could check the water level for ya) It was something along this line if I remember right.

PS this one attaches to your hose :)
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Hahaha, ok. Well, I don´t know what the weather´s like, and people keep their birds in all different settings, so....
It seems you´re doing great. Just to let you know how geese can cope with the heat, last year one of my geese was determined to sit on an empty nest (winter-time, of course) in full sun. It gets quite hot in the sun here, probably around 80º or so, and she would sit there panting. But I could not get her off that nest. She chose to stay there for weeks, roasting in the sun. Crazy bird. It obviously was not too much for her, or she would have gone off. So, it´s surprising what they can put up with.
Kinda off topic but related I think... Merino sheep in Australia cope with some seriously fierce temperatures, apparently because the wool insulates them against heat as well as cold. I have kept geese in the tropics before and they never showed any overheating unlike the chooks and other animals, who were sprawled in damp scrapes they'd made, panting through the heat of the day.

Best wishes.
Kinda off topic but related I think... Merino sheep in Australia cope with some seriously fierce temperatures, apparently because the wool insulates them against heat as well as cold. I have kept geese in the tropics before and they never showed any overheating unlike the chooks and other animals, who were sprawled in damp scrapes they'd made, panting through the heat of the day.

Best wishes.
Good point, in that the down of the goose protects them both ways? Well, that makes sense in a way.
Mine do pant, though, when the temps get up to mid-30s and above, but they do have a pond and stream to get into, and the trees make super shade.
I wonder if it makes a difference, too, if the geese are European-based, or Asiatic. The wild Greylags avoid the coldest temps and the hottest temps by migrating. I can´t find yet much info on the Swan geese, coming from Asia, they could have to cope with huge variations in temperature. (I don´t have them, I´m not going to put a lot of time into it....just curious)
Yesterday dh was baby sitting for me outside while I got our lunch, and when he brought the gozzies back inside the Toulouse "Babe" was panting and could not get cooled down, our temps were pretty warm 85* he acted distressed I took him out and put him into the pool he washed and cooled down and stopped panting. This is the 2nd time this has happened. Worried me but i wonder if it's because they are still only downy and they don't have that insulation yet that protects them from the heat. They weren't out in the blazing sun either.

Oh and by the way, they still are not interested in Missy or Sam. Missy really likes them and wants to hang out with them but they pretty much ignore her. Sam really doesn't seem that interested. I am now wondering if they will ever form a bond with the adults?
Nope, not sure if he is a boy or a girl.....but definitely a Hobart.

I have been told he is most likely an Embden...but I have no idea.

I am going to try making one of these water bags for his area for him to cool off on if it gets to be too hot. It is made of plastic sheeting sealed together and filled with water. I am also making one for our son that is going to be SUPER large... Hobarts will be a small one in an area he could be or move away from.

Gotta be cooler than the pine shavings ontop of a tarp... On top of concrete... It's a covered patio so should be better than direct sun

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