Gosling with very concerning symptoms URGENT


May 27, 2023
It was really hard to talk about it but one of the two goslings that Polly had hatched passed away shortly after my post asking about his leg issues, I assumed that it was a tendon problem and was going to try take a video, but found him in the shed later passed away 😢 I cried for ages and ages. He had a discoloured lump on his tummy and I assumed that it might have been an egg yolk not absorbing issue even though I tried to keep it clean and everything.
Now suddenly my second gosling is having the same leg issue and I’m very worried… it’s only happened once just now but it was the same exact way it happened to the first, she was also very sleepy in my hands which scared me… I don’t want to lose them both and have no idea what it is 😢 I clean the sheds out every day too. The leg issue seems to be an on and off thing that only affects one leg and makes it so that they can’t walk on it at all for a couple of minutes
It was really hard to talk about it but one of the two goslings that Polly had hatched passed away shortly after my post asking about his leg issues, I assumed that it was a tendon problem and was going to try take a video, but found him in the shed later passed away 😢 I cried for ages and ages. He had a discoloured lump on his tummy and I assumed that it might have been an egg yolk not absorbing issue even though I tried to keep it clean and everything.
Now suddenly my second gosling is having the same leg issue and I’m very worried… it’s only happened once just now but it was the same exact way it happened to the first, she was also very sleepy in my hands which scared me… I don’t want to lose them both and have no idea what it is 😢 I clean the sheds out every day too. The leg issue seems to be an on and off thing that only affects one leg and makes it so that they can’t walk on it at all for a couple of minutes
i wish i could help! all i can think of is give drops of liquid b complex to strengthen legs. i’m so sorry!!
@Goosebaby @Miss Lydia
Is the gosling with the parents or by itself in a coop? If mine I’d bring it inside so you can keep watch over it. It may not be warm enough. I’d also do what @Jenbirdee suggested and give some liquid BComplex just a drop or 2 right inside the bill making sure not to shoot it down the throat add some to the water too but it’s important it get it straight.
Is the gosling with the parents or by itself in a coop? If mine I’d bring it inside so you can keep watch over it. It may not be warm enough. I’d also do what @Jenbirdee suggested and give some liquid BComplex just a drop or 2 right inside the bill making sure not to shoot it down the throat add some to the water too but it’s important it get it straight.
Thank you, I’ll look at getting some of that asap! I wanted to take her inside and set up an indoor box as we have a heat lamp but Polly, her mum, just cries and cries for her and I felt so awful… it’s currently midnight so they are in the shed, however I’m in the uk and it’s been very warm recently so I’m not sure, she usually cuddles up to Polly under her wing though
My goose Trudy sat on four eggs all month and only one hatched out alive and it has a deformed foot so I had to take it away from her to try to treat the foot with a little boot and lots of liquid be complex and I felt really bad too, but I believe my geese trust me and that if they knew why I took the Gossling, they would be thankful.. but yeah so they’re still looking for him. It’s been 13 days but hopefully soon I’ll be able to reunite them. it’s more important to take care of the baby than worry about the mommies feelings for now.
Thank for clarifying. I hope the little one will will respond to the liquid B complex.
She was doing loads better today! No leg problems whatsoever, the vitamin solution arrived and I’ll start adding it into their water and give her a drop directly tomorrow and see how she gets on 💖 but otherwise very active running around and eating loads and her poop looks healthy too! She’s going to the specialist vet tomorrow just incase for a check over so I hope it goes well

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