Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

OMG!!!!!! It is a nest and it is an egg and it was Pauline and not Lydia. Sting is standing guard at the door to their pen and no one goes near except him and Lydia. Lydia goes in and stand next to Pauline and they chatter together. The chickens and ducks, whose "yard" joins the geese pen yard get chased away if they even get close to the fence. There is food and water near the door so I guess if she needs it she will get up to get it.

Is there anything I should do/be doing besides buying cigars and pacing around a lot. I never had kids so this is all new to me. I keep looking out the window to make sure everything is o.k.

Why can't they give birth to live babies instead of this month long wait?????
No, he isn't wrapped in paper towel, it's a long, thin strip. I tucked it under and over the shell to help hold it in place, but nothing is holding it to the sides. I'm worried about the zagged edges of the remaining shell, can he hurt himself when he starts zipping? The hole is bigger than a quarter but smaller than a half dollar. When I remove the towel, I can see that he is still wrapped in membrane. Only his bill is through it, and it seems like the membrane is detaching from inside the shell and falling on him. Is this normal? The membrane is still moist so far.

Yea its normal for it to detach as long as its not dry he will be fine. He has wiggle room as long as its moist and flexible. No he wont hurt himself on the edges. As far as i can tell by the pic he seems to be in perfect position(bill being out for air)
Also i was wondering, because i cant see because of the towel, is the pip on the fat end or the pointy end of the egg?
Yea its normal for it to detach as long as its not dry he will be fine. He has wiggle room as long as its moist and flexible. No he wont hurt himself on the edges. As far as i can tell by the pic he seems to be in perfect position(bill being out for air)
Also i was wondering, because i cant see because of the towel, is the pip on the fat end or the pointy end of the egg?

The pip is on the fat end of the egg
OMG!!!!!! It is a nest and it is an egg and it was Pauline and not Lydia. Sting is standing guard at the door to their pen and no one goes near except him and Lydia. Lydia goes in and stand next to Pauline and they chatter together. The chickens and ducks, whose "yard" joins the geese pen yard get chased away if they even get close to the fence. There is food and water near the door so I guess if she needs it she will get up to get it.

Is there anything I should do/be doing besides buying cigars and pacing around a lot. I never had kids so this is all new to me. I keep looking out the window to make sure everything is o.k.

Why can't they give birth to live babies instead of this month long wait?????
Some one needs a hug and something to relax them. lol Now just because Pauline was on the nest doesn't necessarily mean it's her egg Lydia could have laid it then Pauline went in to egg sit and she may just follow and lay there too now that they have their place worked out. Oh yes and you thought Sting was something before, now you get to see him at his best then then with gozzies which will take it up a notch. Full armor is going to be needed.
Will my flock adopt the extra goslings? (If they all hatch :fl) I have 1 gander and 7 ladies. Or would the females fight over the goslings? Some of the geese are in the middle of molting.

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