Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

Some one needs a hug and something to relax them. lol Now just because Pauline was on the nest doesn't necessarily mean it's her egg Lydia could have laid it then Pauline went in to egg sit and she may just follow and lay there too now that they have their place worked out. Oh yes and you thought Sting was something before, now you get to see him at his best then then with gozzies which will take it up a notch. Full armor is going to be needed.
Sting will only let me get close enough to just peek inside. I can see an egg in a really big nest. Do I just leave everything alone and let nature take its course? Right now everyone is off the nest and taking a little dip. Then one of the two will go inside and sit for a while. Is that O.K.? Do they continue laying eggs for a while (a clutch?) and then stop? I made sure they all got extra food, lettuce, corn on the cob, and even pulled up a bunch of grass out of the field for them. They enjoy it but Sting still is being his nasty self. I really don't want to cause Sting more stress then he evidently is going through right now. I may try, tomorrow, to lure them out into the field so I can get a better look.
Sting will only let me get close enough to just peek inside. I can see an egg in a really big nest. Do I just leave everything alone and let nature take its course? Right now everyone is off the nest and taking a little dip. Then one of the two will go inside and sit for a while. Is that O.K.? Do they continue laying eggs for a while (a clutch?) and then stop? I made sure they all got extra food, lettuce, corn on the cob, and even pulled up a bunch of grass out of the field for them. They enjoy it but Sting still is being his nasty self. I really don't want to cause Sting more stress then he evidently is going through right now. I may try, tomorrow, to lure them out into the field so I can get a better look.
Just because she laid 1 egg doesn't mean she is going to go broody right off either, she will lay what she feels is her nice amount [every goose is different] Then she'll sit, what are you going to do if both want to sit, it happens all the time,
Sting will be his nasty self for quite a while so better just resign yourself to that one. You can't tip toe around him either your going to have to let him know if you want to go inside and look at the eggs you have the right too, carry your long pole with you. When they go out to eat then go inside and look around just like you said but you should be able to go in any time you want to, last year I went in and cleaned poopy shaving from around Missy she just sat there Sam had to go outside he was being nasty too. When Missy started laying last year in Feb it wasn't until last of April before she went broody but I did take some of her eggs for eating wanted to make sure it was better temps before she went broody. Your going to be a Grand pa!! Jtn when you do go in to look at the egg take something to mark them so you can keep track of oldest. Some use pencils I use washable marker
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Aww bless it's little heart, maybe try a bit of cornstarch? I use it on the dogs sometimes for small cuts.
Please update how it's doing.

With Reebok, Oliver and Piper
I just wanted to tell you Starfire after reading your signature I feel better.
I have 2 dogs, 11 cats, 3 geese and 2 guinea pigs.
It's been a rough year I've lost a 19 yr. goose, 17 yr and 13 yr cat, 5 yr gpig and 10yr dog.
All cats but one rescue, gpigs, rescue 2 of the geese, rescue.
Bless your heart, I hope all turns out well with the gosling.

I just wanted to tell you Starfire after reading your signature I feel better.
I have 2 dogs, 11 cats, 3 geese and 2 guinea pigs.
It's been a rough year I've lost a 19 yr. goose, 17 yr and 13 yr cat, 5 yr gpig and 10yr dog.
All cats but one rescue, gpigs, rescue 2 of the geese, rescue.
Bless your heart, I hope all turns out well with the gosling.


I used flour, since I've done flour when I didn't have cornstarch to stop bleeding on my dogs, lol. The bleeding has slowed down quite a bit, and the baby is talking away while he/she dries off so I'm hopeful that all will be well.

My 1 day old ducklings are running around in their nursery like bullets. They are doing well!

I lost a cat this past year. ShadowCat was taken by kidney failure in her only kidney. I buried her in my rose garden.
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Yeah! Glad he/she seems to be doing well. Stop you are making me want some babies..LOL.
Please send a picture when it's all fluffed up.
Glad your ducklings are doing well. I started with an abandoned baby mallard. Ended up with more mallards than I care to say.
Took the first two geese because mom went back to the nest and the gaggle wouldn't let them in without her I guess but it's been love ever since.
Send pics!
He/she is alive and drinking. But he hasn't eaten yet and still can't walk. So I'm monitoring his progress closely.


He still has a hernia that I'm cleaning and putting Beta-dine on to try and prevent infection.

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