Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

Less than 10 days ago there was not an egg to be found on my property. Then, both of my grey production toulouse girls started laying first and I am pretty sure my Africans are laying, although except for one, I'm not sure where their nests are yet. My yearling buff Toulouse laid her very 1st egg today and one of my grey dewlaps laid the 1st egg of 2015 for the dewlaps today. Spring is in the air despite the snowy weather. I have not separate them yet, but they all very much keep to their own. It's interesting to watch how they all space out into distinct groups of 3-8.
Less than 10 days ago there was not an egg to be found on my property. Then, both of my grey production toulouse girls started laying first and I am pretty sure my Africans are laying, although except for one, I'm not sure where their nests are yet. My yearling buff Toulouse laid her very 1st egg today and one of my grey dewlaps laid the 1st egg of 2015 for the dewlaps today. Spring is in the air despite the snowy weather. I have not separate them yet, but they all very much keep to their own. It's interesting to watch how they all space out into distinct groups of 3-8.
Sounds like they have settled in real well. How about you have you finally gotten settled in real well? lol
Less than 10 days ago there was not an egg to be found on my property. Then, both of my grey production toulouse girls started laying first and I am pretty sure my Africans are laying, although except for one, I'm not sure where their nests are yet.  My yearling buff Toulouse laid her very 1st egg today and one of my grey dewlaps laid the 1st egg of 2015 for the dewlaps today.  Spring is in the air despite the snowy weather.  I have not separate them yet, but they all very much keep to their own. It's interesting to watch how they all space out into distinct groups of 3-8.

Breeding season has begun!
We are far from fully settled in, but chip away at it every day. Our new home is wonderful and we look forward to living here for many years.

I have no idea why geese make individual distinctions of both humans and animals. I have noticed that my geese are split by how they were raised together. And while they stick within their own breeds, they mix colors. It would be nice if my brown and white Africans naturally split up so I would not have to separate whites for pure white babies. However, I have intentionally created buff/grey combos with both production Toulouse and dewlaps to improve quality of their lines and increase number of buffs, and am pleased that they do not seem to care if there are both buff and grey in their subgroups.

Yep, breeding season is upon us all. Luckily, my girls will lay clear into the beginning of June, so plenty of time to get my groups situated and gather hatching eggs for those who have requested them. And I'm not concerned about gathering eggs at the moment since is so cold and snowy here that none can remain viable. Too much to do right now to be worrying about breeding pens and gathering eggs. I am still getting nest boxes set up around our house's main yard so my girls have a proper place to lay eggs.
Breeding pairs are in pens

My brown African female ( hatched last year if ye can remember my 4 Africans goslings ) laid her first egg yesterday.
I was very surprised and thank goodness she is in a breeding pen with my 3 year old African gander because the eggs will be purebred.
It might mean incubating might start early again this year.
congrads on the beginning of the season!

If i dont have goslings this year i will have ducklings for sure. Im getting some blue swedish duck and some blue swedish x pekin cross eggs. Atleast 2 dozen maybe 4 dozen. From really nice looking birds too and for free, cant beat that.
Good deal!

Less than 10 days ago there was not an egg to be found on my property. Then, both of my grey production toulouse girls started laying first and I am pretty sure my Africans are laying, although except for one, I'm not sure where their nests are yet. My yearling buff Toulouse laid her very 1st egg today and one of my grey dewlaps laid the 1st egg of 2015 for the dewlaps today. Spring is in the air despite the snowy weather. I have not separate them yet, but they all very much keep to their own. It's interesting to watch how they all space out into distinct groups of 3-8.
Hi J glad you guys are getting settled.
My dewlaps are laying, but it's been to cold to have the pools out. The ducks and Embdens are being slow. Weather is suppose to warm up in a couple days so hopefully that will do the trick. Incubator parts will be in this weekend.
I have Toulouse eggs set that I lucked into. My embden layed for a bit over a week so I put those in too. Any ideas on how to get her to continue laying? She stopped a couple days ago. I shooed her and her gander into the pond to cavort for the past few days, and she's started a nest in a different spot so I'm hoping that did the trick, but I guess I won't know unless she starts back up

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