Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

Hi Paulla.
Hope you have lots of beautiful babies again this year!
Me too... the Embdens just kicked in and tomorrow we are suppose to get out of the lower 30*... pool time!
I just can't wait for all the little chubby goslings to be waddling around and discovering the pond and grass their so cute. I'm hatching the Toulouse for someone but I get to keep a few so it's well worth the space in my incubator =) Hoping to find my young embden sitting on her new nest keeping a nice fresh egg warm, I plan to let her set this time you can't fault a golden goose(a good setter+good mothering+protective of flock+people pleaser+great garden helper) I never thought I'd get so lucky with her =) the mothering hasn't been put to the test but she was raised with my heavy ducks last year and was twice the size of the ducklings but she mothered them fairly well at about 3~4 months old it was adorable, she'd just started to honk and the ducklings would come running to her or they'd wander off and peep/quack and she'd come running and flapping.
Geese are doing breeding season so fast I can't keep up! I found 6 nests with each 7 eggs in them (I won't allow my geese sit on more than 7 eggs)
And 2 are brooding and I didn't know this because I'm very busy with work lately.
My 10 month old african will lay her 3rd egg tonight
Still nothing in Iowa (US). 8 degrees today but warm up expected tomorrow and on so hopefully some of the geese will decide to start laying!
I wish my geese were still laying but oh well I will have duck eggs and chicken so its ok here's a pix of my duck (right 2dozen) chicken (left ) but this isn't all the eggs im hatching!!

Sorry for the lighting its pretty bad im that room but I have leghorn eggs wyandotte some kind of bantam which i dont know who LAYED them and so,e americauna
Still nothing happening here. We've had snow out the wazoo lately, but last night was supposed to be the last really cold night if the year. We are headed into the 50s next week so I'm crossing my fingers something starts to happen. Ready for some duck and hopefully geese eggs soon!

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