Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

My buff African laid her first egg today!!!! I'll start incubating within 14 days hopefully but earlier if my large brown African female starts to lay.
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My very determined 9month old embden =) just a few more days to go and you'll be a mother goose lol
Day two with my duck eggs. I cant wait to candle next week.
Dont kick me out of here since they arent goose eggs lol
I picked up my new roo yesterday. Havent had a roo for almost a year. Hes a cochin. Maybe i will get some good crosses from him with my brahma and my australorpe hens. Hes huge i swear he weighs more than my baby does lol
Day two with my duck eggs. I cant wait to candle next week.
Dont kick me out of here since they arent goose eggs lol
I picked up my new roo yesterday. Havent had a roo for almost a year. Hes a cochin. Maybe i will get some good crosses from him with my brahma and my australorpe hens. Hes huge i swear he weighs more than my baby does lol
Love to see a pic of your roo, I love cochins. they are sweet birds.ps i won't kick you out I have no eggs cooking and I'm hanging around.
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Congrats, Serv! I love your buffs and can't wait to see pics of babies.

Best of luck with happy hatching, Paulla.

Congrats on the cochin roo. Cochins are my favorite breed of chicken. They remind me a lot of dewlaps.

I checked fertility on my dewlap eggs this weekend and am running around 75% fertility using only older weather exposed eggs. Should be ready to start filling orders next week.

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