Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

I have been losing my eggs by day 30 , temp is 99.7 still air , try to get the humidity past 65%
day 25 babies are moving and I move them to lock down and by 29 they have been not pipped day 30-31 they have died
any idea what I am doing wrong

Your humidity is way to high for incubation and they are drowning before they internally pip.

Try to get your humidity down to about 25% for incubation and then only raise it after they have internally pipped.

I don't use still air so I'm not familiar with the right temp but I think you need to be slightly higher with still air temp verses forced air- unless that is an accurate reading @ the level of the egg.

I have now collected 5 mini duck eggs and am super curious to see what may hatch from them, so hubby gave me his blessing to fire up my bator. I plan to set them this weekend, along with any additional mini eggs I may get the next few days.
So apparently I have 24 Pilgrim eggs in a bator for fertility testing. And if the boys are doing their jobs.... That's going to be a lot of smiling fuzzies!
Do u have to candle to check when they have internally pipped, is it when they all have, or just one, and what day should i start to candle to check , and how do i stop her from sitting on more than about 8 eggs? Wow! Lots of questions lol ahah
sorry bug can anybody answer these? :)
Plus there is no water in my incubator, and I can't get it below 41% is this ok? It's staying at 41?
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Most people candle to see if internally pipped, but you can also listen for faint clicking sounds which means they have pipped. I wouldn't worry about getting humidity lower if your bator is dry and air vents are open. It is easy to control how many eggs a goose sits on. Simply remove extra eggs from under her. She will be upset at first, but will not stop sitting on the remaining eggs.
Most people candle to see if internally pipped, but you can also listen for faint clicking sounds which means they have pipped.  I wouldn't worry about getting humidity lower if your bator is dry and air vents are open. It is easy to control how many eggs a goose sits on.  Simply remove extra eggs from under her.  She will be upset at first, but will not stop sitting on the remaining eggs.
Ok thank you very much :):)
I'm putting my first ever 8 goose eggs in to the incubator tomorrow, never hatched them before, what temperature do they need to be at, what humidity, when do they stop being turned, I don't really know anything about hatching them, so any advice, would be really helpful, thanks :)

30 days,turn three times a day 99.5degrees, spritz with water daily, I do lockdown at 28 days (stop turning, keep spritzing) Good luck. There are lots of good info threads our there try the search engine, or maybe someonelse knows a link, haven't figured that out yet lol
I have goose eggs in with my ducks. So humidity is pretty high. (Like 60%) Is this likely to cause problems? I set them together so the ducks should be hatching a couple days before the geese.

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