Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

I just candled them, and Out of the 8 geese eggs, 5 of them are growing, and the 1 duck egg I saw it moving quite a bit! But I'm not sure about the chicken eggs, I'm not sure, I've hatched chicken eggs for about 5 years in a row now and Ive become quite good at candelling them but it looks like the have developed veins, ( a lot of them have),around the air sac but it looks like there I a blackish sort of area, that moves around, what does this mean, are they all dead ?
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Just checked Mango's nest! At first I thought it was empty and the eggs got stolen, then I realized she tore up a bunch of grass and buried them! Is this normal for geese?
My goose egg in the bator is on day 3.
So my plan to put the developing eggs from my incubator to under the goose .. failed .. I checked the eggs yesterday and one externally pipped . I was excited knowing that it would hatch sometime today .. I found the baby this morning looks like she was squished
I have 3 more eggs .. I don't know what to do
I should get my 3rd egg for my second batch to go in the incubator, today. I wish my other girl would start laying but she usually waits a while. She hatched 7 goslings last year on May 25th.

Is 7 the most you've gotten? Since Mango is a Toulouse and it's her first year I'm sobering how many she'll lay and how many she'll be able to hatch
Ive had many goslings over the last few years. I just only allow the girls set on 7-8 eggs at a time to ensure a good hatch. Any more than that and its hard for them to cover them all. Most of us on here go by that rule. My first year with them i did allow one to set on 15, 14 developed and 10 hatched, 8 lived because it was so crowded two got smashed.

Im trying to rebuild my flock this year. Last year i had 22 adults, i sold half, and then because someone was an idiot and fed the ones i kept cornbread i lost half of those. Then one got hit by a car and then there was a dog attack... I now have 2 girls and a gander from my original flock. Plus 3 ganders i rescued a week ago & am trying to rehome.

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