Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

im sorry, my geese are sexlinked, there pilgrim geeses (you can sex pilgrims at birth by color)
I didn't even think about that!
Could you teach me how to sex goslings!!!! I have eight in the mail coming on Friday and my goose is laying, she's up to seven!
I saw this video tutorial awhile back on how to vent sex. You are a braver soul than me. I would be too afraid of hurting the bird.
I saw this video tutorial awhile back on how to vent sex. You are a braver soul than me. I would be too afraid of hurting the bird.

Some people pinion their birds, so I'm sure attempting to sex them ONCE the very first day wont hurt them, right? And of course I'll be careful.
Im pretty sure i dont have a gander. The loud honk i heard was stormy's big mouth cause she was mad. Being a tufted x chinese cross she has a weird honk anyways. This time i was up there and Ethel was mounting the gosling while stormy was standing beside the pool screaming her head off.
Well now back to the drawing board. guess the feed store is next.

How's all the ducklings doing?
They are doing good. I have 13 still, i lost one of my blues it looked like it went into a siezure and died in front of me. They are on niacin so i dont know what happened. The rest are doing good.

As for my blue ancona type hen, she has been down since last night. Legs straight back, nothing is broken and she can move them. I gave her niacin water she has one leg under her today but laid a shell-less egg this morning....calcium too low? Or drakes breeding her too much? Or maybe both?
Some people pinion their birds, so I'm sure attempting to sex them ONCE the very first day wont hurt them, right? And of course I'll be careful.
Oh dear, I hope you didn't take offense to my post! You've got a year of goose experience on me, so you're much more capable of doing this sexing. Being completely new to geese, I just don't want to risk it. I read that done incorrectly can cause egg binding which can kill a goose. Plus, they scream bloody murder and struggle in that video when they are being vent sexed. I'm emotionally mushy and couldn't handle it.

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