Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

About 32 square feet currently and for what will soon be 11 full grown geese we would need an absolute minimum of 44 square feet figuring 4 square feet per goose. But I think that will still be a bit cramped so we are looking in the area of jumping to something between 192 to 288 sq ft (12x16 to 12x24) if we can swing it. So far it looks like pricing in the neighborhood of 4 to 6 thousand bucks which will include delivery, setup and electric connection to our existing system. We will also have to pay for permits to bring it here since the dealer is about 60 miles away and we will have to be on both State and US highways. But fortunately we have gated access to US84 at the far end of our property so no having to worry about dirt county roads or farm to market roads which can be a mess.

We were building a 5X5 for our two grown geese and for whichever geese came in the mail, but now that I could possibly have 16 goslings and 2 adults we might go on to Walmart and buy a 10X10 or 10X8 steel shed and convert it to hold the geese. That would be 100 sq ft for 18 geese, so 5.5sq ft for each goose, and my grandmother is taking four geese and I have a friend who owns turkeys and ducks who is taking 2. So 100 feet for
We were building a 5X5 for our two grown geese and for whichever geese came in the mail, but now that I could possibly have 16 goslings and 2 adults we might go on to Walmart and buy a 10X10 or 10X8 steel shed and convert it to hold the geese. That would be 100 sq ft for 18 geese, so 5.5sq ft for each goose, and my grandmother is taking four geese and I have a friend who owns turkeys and ducks who is taking 2. So 100 feet for 12 birds.
A 100 sq ft shed should be adequate for the number of birds you are talking about. You have goslings coming but remember they will not be goslings for long. In addition you need to think about the flooring and how you will secure it since most of those sheds just sit on the ground. They do have flooring kits you can buy but if you could manage to sit it on concrete you would be better off. Then, how about your weather, is there a shady spot you can put the shed. Metal sheds will easily exceed 120 degrees during the summer months if in direct sunlight.
A 100 sq ft shed should be adequate for the number of birds you are talking about. You have goslings coming but remember they will not be goslings for long. In addition you need to think about the flooring and how you will secure it since most of those sheds just sit on the ground. They do have flooring kits you can buy but if you could manage to sit it on concrete you would be better off. Then, how about your weather, is there a shady spot you can put the shed. Metal sheds will easily exceed 120 degrees during the summer months if in direct sunlight.

Tons of trees in my yard, the back 1/4 is completely shaded, only a few trees but huge spread of leaves. It's quite nice!!
I move them into an XXL dog crate at night and onto our back deck which is up a flight of stairs by our back door. They're safe. We're currently building a big house for the rest, and we plan on letting them stay in the garage at night. We've also got hot wire around our yard now.
Sounds like your working on everything to keep them safe and happy. Good for you.
Proud Goose Grandpa here having to share another picture of the babies. They are 4 days old now. The little one that was weak and a little wobbly is now just fine. Smaller than the others but keeping up. So, His name is Mr. Wobbly. The others are just number 1-7 except there is the possibility that one may be named Aquaman since he keeps diving into the drinking dish and splashing and swimming around.

Tomorrow we go to buy them a much bigger building to live in since we have decided to keep them all. We are planning on something large enough that we can partition off living areas and nesting areas and an area for me to store supplies and have room to do some work as well. We shall see...it won't be the first time my eyes were bigger than my wallet.

So, anyway, here is the picture...

Don't know when she will sit. Mine seem to get to about 8 and call it good. I have American Buffs though. Each breed is a little different and each goose is different.
Proud Goose Grandpa here having to share another picture of the babies. They are 4 days old now. The little one that was weak and a little wobbly is now just fine. Smaller than the others but keeping up. So, His name is Mr. Wobbly. The others are just number 1-7 except there is the possibility that one may be named Aquaman since he keeps diving into the drinking dish and splashing and swimming around.

Tomorrow we go to buy them a much bigger building to live in since we have decided to keep them all. We are planning on something large enough that we can partition off living areas and nesting areas and an area for me to store supplies and have room to do some work as well. We shall see...it won't be the first time my eyes were bigger than my wallet.

So, anyway, here is the picture...

Cute family!

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