Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long



The second picture is a brown thing hanging from one of the vents. What is it?
a box of cute is where the cute comes from.
The brown thing hanging from that goslings vent is gone! I vent sexed them all, most of them were very very clearly boys, two or three I was unsure of, but so far it looks like 6 boys and 2 girls. I'll try again tomorrow or on Monday.
Candled my 6 goose eggs they are on day 4... All 6 are showing small embryos already. Maybe i will get a few goslings after all.
Still waiting on my 3 saxony/ancona ducklings to hatch, should be out by tomorrow.
Also set 20 more eggs from my ducks in the bator tonight. So all together there are 31 duck eggs and 6 goose eggs cooking. 11 are due in two weeks and the 6 Goose and 20 duck eggs are due May 21-23.

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