Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

Wow well done everyone on the hatches!!!!

Today two buff African goslings hatched with 3 more coming tomorrow or Friday.
I've 2 more buff eggs due next week and another 2 in 2 weeks :D
I'm Adding 11 more on Sunday as my buff African is on a roll with laying eggs, she normally lays around 9-10 each year but this year she laid 27 and still going which is brilliant for a buff african! Despite 10/18 so far being infertile.
Adding 11 again and see the result!
This is what I call a crop year for the buff African female
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Wow well done everyone on the hatches!!!!

Today two buff African goslings hatched with 3 more coming tomorrow or Friday.
I've 2 more buff eggs due next week and another 2 in 2 weeks :D
I'm Adding 11 more on Sunday as my buff African is on a roll with laying eggs, she normally lays around 9-10 each year but this year she laid 27 and still going which is brilliant for a buff african! Despite 10/18 so far being infertile.
Adding 11 again and see the result!
This is what I call a crop year for the buff African female

Bumper crop woot!
Have 2 Pilgrim pips!! I'd thought nothing was going to happen, been that kind of month! But I also counted wrong on days. Pretty cool they count better than me! One is even cheeping thru the shell. Fingers crossed!!

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