Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long


Boris in front mothers to the side and babies in the middle.
Did they hatch them themselves? How many can a goose sit on without affecting hatch rate?

They hatched them by themselves. Their nests were side by side so they kept taking each others eggs. I was happy with the hatch rate even with egg stealing. I think about 8-10 eggs is about the largest clutch I would recommend.
They hatched them by themselves. Their nests were side by side so they kept taking each others eggs. I was happy with the hatch rate even with egg stealing. I think about 8-10 eggs is about the largest clutch I would recommend.
Ok thanks hoping that ones a goose and ones a gander so I can hatch them next year! By the way one of the goslings has spradle leg, I have bandaged them together like a figure 8 with like a neck in the middle, and I know I have to leave it on 24 hours and then I can take it of again and he should be fine? Isn't that right :)? Any tips please help!!

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