Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

Have you put them on the Buy Sell Trade thread here on BYC? Might find some interested members there.

Thank you I will try that
No, I have another one that has pipped. Have you ever experienced a gosling whose legs go out left and right like they are doing the splits. My male is a lot bigger than his sister and he can stand up very clumsy but his legs go straight out each way when he gets tired. He is holding his head up and eating and drinking.
No, I have another one that has pipped. Have you ever experienced a gosling whose legs go out left and right like they are doing the splits. My male is a lot bigger than his sister and he can stand up very clumsy but his legs go straight out each way when he gets tired. He is holding his head up and eating and drinking.
How old is the gosling? Sounds like it could be a Niacin Deficiency. You can add Niacin either to their feed using Brewers Yeast sprinkled on top, or dissolved in their water. Cas had some episodes of this (his legs would splay out when on a slippery surface like he was doing the splits) and after a week of adding Niacin he was right as rain, and has no leg problems today.
No, I have another one that has pipped. Have you ever experienced a gosling whose legs go out left and right like they are doing the splits. My male is a lot bigger than his sister and he can stand up very clumsy but his legs go straight out each way when he gets tired. He is holding his head up and eating and drinking.
it's called splay legs and I'll get you the link that tells you how to hobble him so he can learn to walk normal.

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Here are some great sites to read about splay leg help:
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Thanks Lydia,
He is all taped up and doing better. Can you tell if they are buff or grey if i post a good pic of them? They have dark beaks but they look like a dingy yellow on top and very yellow underneath.
Thanks so much for taking the time to help others here. Know that it is very very much appreciated.
We hatched another dewlap and this one is a grey female.
Now i see why they say dark as night, bright as day. Hahahaha Will post pics in a little bit. So excited!! And we have one more that has pipped internally.
We hatched another dewlap and this one is a grey female.
Now i see why they say dark as night, bright as day. Hahahaha Will post pics in a little bit. So excited!! And we have one more that has pipped internally.
Awesome you only had 4 eggs so sounds like your going to have a 100% hatch rate and healthy babies.. Look forward to seeing them, glad you got the lil ones legs taped. Hopefully won't take more than a couple days. So exciting.
Unfortunately we started out with 18 eggs. So as much as i would love to say 100% hatch rate sadly I can not
But for our first time hatching I didn't think I did that bad. This has been a very interesting journey and I am learning more and more.
I have 8 eggs under my grey dewlap and 11 more waiting to go into the incubator.
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Unfortunately we started out with 18 eggs. So as much as i would love to say 100% hatch rate sadly I can not
But for our first time hatching I didn't think I did that bad. This has been a very interesting journey and I am learning more and more.
I have 8 eggs under my grey dewlap and 11 more waiting to go into the incubator.
Gosh and you still have eggs? I wish you the best on all that remain to hatch. From all I have read Dewlaps are not that easy to hatch so I will say now you have done well. Has gosling #4 hatched yet?

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