Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

@psue I'm so sorry to hear you lost Napoleon.
So much rain and so many needing it so badly. I am happy to hear the rest are doing well since the flush.

It has rain and rained and rained here too. So humid, going outside isn't even an option. haha I have babies in the house still because its too hot and wet outside. My house smells like a goose pen. And that might be saying it nicely. Sorry to hear about your loss. There just isn't words. We lost 2 goslings that we hatched out one made it a day and was doing very well and the other only made it a few hours. I can't imagine how hard it must be to loose one you have had for a long time.
oh my gosh how funny... you know you can give those gosling back to your mama and papa goose once they hatch? just give them about a week or 2 to get strong the flock should take them and raise them with out a problem. Just be sure to introduce for several days to make sure they will accept them.
Thanks did that with the other ones I got given to me last year and they are one happy gaggle now will keep updated
That's right I had forgotten. Well your an old hand at this. I'll be excited to see your little ones.

I have good news my two younger ones have made nests and even better they are not near the turkey yay anyway I think one of them are going clucky because she sits on the best every night but not during the day is this normal because I haven't hatched geese I just raised gosling please I need help urgently
I have good news my two younger ones have made nests and even better they are not near the turkey yay anyway I think one of them are going clucky because she sits on the best every night but not during the day is this normal because I haven't hatched geese I just raised gosling please I need help urgently
Yes that is usually how they start they will sit on the nest over night and gradually begin to sit full time, your geese are young right so you can't always depend on a young goose to do it right so you'll just have to be patient and watch. Hopefully she'll commit soon but she may not even be through laying her clutch either. Your going to have alot of goslings what are your plans for them all?
Well I am going to keep a few but what in can't keep I will have to sell
will be hard to pick might try a build a new pen just for the geese that way I can have more
Mine did pretty much what you are describing. I had 3 Toulouse. Two females...they build a huge nest and shared laying of eggs. Sat on it now and then for about a week or so. Then one went broody (I thought she was dying) and sat on the nest for a month. She would get off a couple of times each day to eat and bathe but right back. The gander kicked in to my male and she was safe from anything or anyone...myself included. Then one day about a month later I had, in a 24 hour period) 8 little Toulouse goslings. I though, great, now I have some geese to sell, make the three adults begin to pay their way.

Here we jump forward to 5 months later or so and I have 11 full sized Toulouse geese and a much larger goose house. Go figure.

Good luck with you hatch. They are such a pleasure anyway, but with babies in tow it is beyond amusing and sweet as saccharine.
Mine did pretty much what you are describing. I had 3 Toulouse. Two females...they build a huge nest and shared laying of eggs. Sat on it now and then for about a week or so. Then one went broody (I thought she was dying) and sat on the nest for a month. She would get off a couple of times each day to eat and bathe but right back. The gander kicked in to my male and she was safe from anything or anyone...myself included. Then one day about a month later I had, in a 24 hour period) 8 little Toulouse goslings. I though, great, now I have some geese to sell, make the three adults begin to pay their way.

Here we jump forward to 5 months later or so and I have 11 full sized Toulouse geese and a much larger goose house. Go figure.

Good luck with you hatch. They are such a pleasure anyway, but with babies in tow it is beyond amusing and sweet as saccharine.

Yeah now it's just gonna be a waiting game

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