Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

Precious little things

53 wow. you can get your little one to help feed etc. lol

Do you think the ones with beards maybe EE's?
Sounds like a real nice group and I don't know if I've ever seen mottled turkey before.

If she would learn to walk she could help lol she will be 10 mos old tomorrow/today 10/14.

Could be EEs im getting two green eggs. I just thought those were from the ameracaunas Im getting 4 eggs a day out of 16 hens, the move has them off, 2 eggs which are brown and will not fit in the Ex large cartons. They are molting also, but are still very nice birds regardless of their looks now.
I have never heard of a mottled turkey ive never had turkeys before but i looked them up and this is what she looks like
What a pretty color on the turkey.. I hope you can find her a mate.

The greens eggs may be coming from the Americaunas My EE's lay blue eggs but maybe EE lay green to are they young birds? I have 12 hens going through molt and haven't gotten any eggs for a few days now. I hope they get through this soon it's suppose to be freezing here this weekend.I miss the eggs too.

You lil one is going to be 10 months old I can't hardly believe it. Is she trying to walk yet? seems sometimes first ones don't start as fast since they don't have an older sibling to try to keep up with. My son was close to a year old but my dd because she wanted to be where her brother was, was 9 months when she started. She got tired of him leaving the room she had just crawled into. lol
Hey 8Geese, good to see you again and glad to hear you are rebuilding your flock. I too have added chickens to my group, having brought home 5 hens/1 rooster from an adoption event a couple of weeks ago. 53 is not too many. We have well over 60 birds here.
But, it is fun having such a variety of birds and everyone seems to get along great. After taking a year off from hatching, I look forward to hatching a few dewlaps and white african babies in 2016 and hope the old gang returns to share in another hatchalong thread next spring.

JC, congrats on your adorable new goslings! It's crazy to be hatching babies in October. Guess you'll be raising them in your house?

Miss L,
Hey 8Geese, good to see you again and glad to hear you are rebuilding your flock. I too have added chickens to my group, having brought home 5 hens/1 rooster from an adoption event a couple of weeks ago. 53 is not too many. We have well over 60 birds here.
But, it is fun having such a variety of birds and everyone seems to get along great. After taking a year off from hatching, I look forward to hatching a few dewlaps and white african babies in 2016 and hope the old gang returns to share in another hatchalong thread next spring.

JC, congrats on your adorable new goslings! It's crazy to be hatching babies in October. Guess you'll be raising them in your house?

Miss L,
Hi J so good to see you stop by I also look forward to next spring and hopefully seeing some more familiar faces back..Congrats on your new chickens..
Hey 8Geese, good to see you again and glad to hear you are rebuilding your flock. I too have added chickens to my group, having brought home 5 hens/1 rooster from an adoption event a couple of weeks ago. 53 is not too many. We have well over 60 birds here.
But, it is fun having such a variety of birds and everyone seems to get along great. After taking a year off from hatching, I look forward to hatching a few dewlaps and white african babies in 2016 and hope the old gang returns to share in another hatchalong thread next spring.

JC, congrats on your adorable new goslings! It's crazy to be hatching babies in October. Guess you'll be raising them in your house?

Miss L,

Hehehe not me my DD! The ones she doesn't take will go to a new home also. 2 More hatched this morning, 2 eggs left. Think I have 1 last round of goose eggs to go.

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