Got a iPod touch!

Cool! Congrats!
I got one two years ago when they first came out and I'm still in love with it! They do have some quirks, but for the most part it is great. I don't use it for internet very often, but I do love having so many awesome games on the thing. The only part that stinks is how quickly the battery drains when playing games.
My bro gave me his ( that sounds funny when you're 28) because he got an iphone. My sis-in-law and I use it to look up random questions we think of when we're drinking wine and watching tv. Such as:

can you tell male from female blood in a common blood test -you can BUT they don't usually test for it- and is bone cancer hereditary--some kinds are- and how many cup of urine can a human bladder hold-2 comfortably, 4 if it's somehow blocked- this last question came up after we split a couple bottles of Charles Shaw.

But I'm rambling...
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Congrats! I adore mine! My kids have taken to calling it my "external brain". I use mine online all the time and it works great! (Especially the zoom feature so I can actually read the stuff!)

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