Got all my chicks finally, just one that I'm concerned about...


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 7, 2010
Hey there, I got eight chicks this week... Five Columbian Wydonettes, four silver laced, and one Ameraucana... One of my silvers isn't looking very well. She's pretty weak and wobbly. She woke me up out of bed the other night after falling in their water dish (I since got the proper one from a feed store). I'm not sure if she never recovered from being wet and cold or if she's got other issues.

They are in big boxes in my smallest spare room with a space heater. They got their shavings in there with feeders and waterers, they sleep a lot and I keep startling myself checking on them. It looks like they are dead the way they sleep lol. Til I put a hand in there, they all jump up. I'm nursing a four month old baby right now so I check on the chicks twice during the night after nursing sessions.

I have them separated still, I left all the silvers in one box since sickie girlie was being trampled by the Columbians. I guess I'm just waiting for her to either die or get stronger so I can then put them all in together. I hate feeling so powerless tho :-(
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Did you give her sugar water? I would mix some strong to give her some calories and hopefully inspire some eating/drinking. I also give a drop of nutri-drench to weak ones. I hope she will be okay. I do not rely on electrolytes for serious issues and I would use 1/2 water 1/2 sugar to start. If she responds better later mix a little medicated chick starter in with the sugar water to make a loose brew for her to drink unless she is eating and drinking on her own. Good luck!
Thanks I never even thought to try that, and should have... She's better though, I did my second checks on them this morning and she's eating. Should I just medicate their water anyways to prevent someone else coming down with something? She is the smallest one too, maybe a 'runt' lol.

I do have to remember to close the door behind me when going into their 'brooder room' lol. It cools down in there fast with the house air blowing in. DUH!

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