Got any advice on taking your chicks for a 5 hour car-ride on vacation

I bought, when I saw it by accident, a small bag of Timothy hay for rabbits at Wal Mart. about $3.50. It's really nice and soft and easy for the chicks to snuggle way down into, and they love it, it's their favorite place to hang out, choosing it over shavings or sand. They sort of make a little nest in it, and it seems like it would help a lot in keeping them warm, good insulation. Good luck, Ed
After the wedding you're probably going to laugh at this thread. Have a good trip. I'd leave them home and outside at that age and we live in WI.
I second this - unless you have already ordered them, the easiest solution would be to delay getting them until after you return. As much as w really wanted our chicks last year, we put them off til after our vacation so we wouldn't have to stress about them in any way while we were gone. Yes, it delayed things, and we really wanted to get our hands on those fuzzy critters, but we were all better off in the end!
At 4-5 weeks, my 4 chicks were big enough that I was ready to get them out of the tupperware brooder. They were perching even to sleep on small branches.

I just happen to have a short video of mine at that age - they are curious and poking at the strap on my digital camera!

If you do take them - here's what you will have in the car with you:

I would not count to keep them in a tupperware brooder for that time - take a small chicken tractor for them, too?
I don't know if I'd leave them outside with no heat at 60F and 4weeks old. They'd probably be fine but that's lower limit in my experience. My 4week old right now have had no heat for awhile and still start shivering when the basement drops to 65F. I occasionally put a 40 or 60w lamp over them because I sometimes leave the door open to let the dog go in and out of the backyard and the basement temp drops down to mid-low 60s. Inside they would probably be fine if they had a large enough brooder. I used a 3x6' homemade guinea pig cage for a bunch of standard chicks last fall until they were 8weeks. Right now the japs are in a livestock waterer in the basement probably until 6weeks old when they'll go in the coop. I'd be worried about leaving them with noone knowledgeable to know if they are cold. However I do agree a car trip is not in their best interest. I would try to find a way to keep them inside or put just a 60w bulb in the coop for them and have someone feed and water them once or twice a day. 60w isn't likely to start a fire even if something goes wrong but it will raise the temp 5-10F directly under it.
As long as you acclimate the chicks to lower temps, they should be fine without a heat lamp. I put mine out in the coop with a heatlamp at first. Then I only keep it on at night. Then eventually I only turn it on if temps get below freezing. My six week old chicks are out in the coop without heat at 45-50 degrees. I think that if you start this process of acclimating them in the weeks before you leave, they will be fine with 60 degree temps. Remember, they have down coats to keep them warm!
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Those are some lucky chickens to have a *Mommy* like you! They're going to love you and have a happy life!

I have seen a *lot* of useful information, and there are a couple of I have not seen mentioned and would like to add. One is the health factor (of the people!) of driving around with the chicks. They throw off a lot of dust and it just isn't good to be enclosed like that for hours with the fecal dust (IMO). They throw off a tremendous amount of that in a short period of time.

I have 10 week old chicks in the coop now and until they were 5 weeks old, they were rarely handled (after my 3 year old killed one of them, I was apprehensive about letting the kids touch them). Now, they are the sweetest chickens I've ever seen. They *love* to perch on me (and the kids) when we're in the run/coop with them, they'll follow us around and go to sleep in our laps. They are extremely tame. Your babies will be just fine if you have a large enough feed/water containers that'll only need to be filled once a day.

Have fun at the wedding, your chickens will have fun at home.
You are doing awesome! Its only THREE birds, not like a barn full. I am thinking about taking my birds on vacation with me too. My dad said I am insain(and I may or may not be)- but I only have TWO birds, and they are serama (small)- so they will not be a huge PITA to travel with, and it would cost me up the nose to have someone watch them for the three months i am going to be gone. I think my dad is just thinking of how silly it would be for him to bring his huge flock- and of corse his birds are replaced every few months too
I am thinking about having a trusted person board them- if you do go with a pet sitter, have a back up person check on them. That makes a big differance my pet sitters always do better when they know they are being checked on,a nd I rest easier.
You are not being silly at all, and your birds are lucky, think of all the birds that travel to shows and what not, they are young, but not frail at this age
And if you really do not want the hassel of taking them with you, no worries they will still be bonded wonderful birds.... and like said, it sounds like it would be an option to wait on getting the chicks too
Besides, once I get my minivan packed up with the two dogs, three kids, one cat, my dd's two rats... whats two chickens to that mix? Its only cross country

Cute Etsy store - I nabbed a shirt for my DD:D

I am wondering if I need to know anything to take birds across state lines? Overthinking may be an issue here
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