Got birds at 12 long to Free Range?


10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
Eugene, Oregon
Help.....I am new at this and failed to think this through (story of my life)!

I got two EE's at 12 weeks old and 2 RIR's at 6 weeks old. I got them a week ago and was wondering if anyone could tell me when I can start Free Ranging them. The two EE's are still skeptical of me and hate being handled. The two RIR's let me pick them up. I just fear chasing the EE's around the yard when it's time to go in. Have they been acclimated to their new coop for long enough to remember where the food is and will they come back because I'm not sure they like me

And, their wings aren't clipped. Do you recommend this or not? Thanks for your help!
They say one week is all you need but if you want to make sure you can go two. I let my 8wks out the other day and while they still dont come right up to me all i did was pour some feed in their pen and they went in. A couple i just herded in kinda using my arms. As far as the wings only clip one wing, if you clip two they can still fly with one they just do a roll.
I would sit out in the yard and have treats in my hand. They would have to come up to me if they wanted any treats. It takes time and persistance. Birds like rituals. Do it for awhile on a regular basis and start touching them when they come up to you for their treat. Before you k now it they will be tring to get into your lap for some treats.

Here is the link to BYC Chicken Treat Chart.

This may help you on wing clipping.
I free range also and everyone comes home to roost at dusk.

Chickens are prey animals...why on earth would a smart chicken want to get all cozy with a predator (humans)? They will learn to come when you call and follow you around looking for handouts but don't expect them to want to climb into your lap like a cat.

I don't trim wings. I believe that free range chickens need every advantage that mother nature gave them to evade a predator. People usually trim wings to prevent the chickens from flying over their run fences.

Good luck with your new chooks. They're smarter than people give them credit for being.

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