Got empty wire spools? Here's an idea!

Do you think this would be good for a pair of buttons? If it was under my sheltered porch?

Great idea.. darn I just threw one of those away after saving it for 6 months.....

I think it would work great for buttons on your porch; the good thing about that is you could only use one and it would also serve as a coffee table =]
That is incredibly creative! That could work for almost anything little, rabbits, sugargliders, ferrets, birds! You should take the time out of your busy day to draw up blue prints/directions for us dummies LOL That is awesome, thankyou so much for sharing!
would you mind if I cross posted this on another site and if so what kind of credit would you like me to post with it?
Wow! That is really cool. I don't mind at all. I'm not one for hogging credit, but if you feel like it, you can credit it to Kandace Green and Bill Burney (my grandfather)... he helped me with a lot of the details and tools.
I passed by a construction dumpster the other day and saw some of these and wondered what could be done with them. Great idea!
Ha. I just contacted TWC and asked them for spools. They said call back friday WOOT! I'm so going to use this idea. Great for breeder coops!

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