Got Flogged by A rooster tonight

I dont have roosters I have kids
Today I had a similar assault from my English Sussex roo, Gus. He has been nothing but a gentleman for 7 months and today I went into the run to pick up the remains of a pineapple I had tossed in there and as I bent down to get it, he ran right over to my reaching arm and attacked it. Thankfully, it was a tad cool today and I had on a thick sweater so I did not feel a thing.

Well, I literally jumped up like a gorilla and gave him a swift kick. I chased after him screaming at the top of my lungs, NO NO NO! Who do you think you are, you dirty chicken!? I ran him all around the run. Gus was looking at me like I had gone insane.

For a moment I realized my actions and looked over to see if the neighbors heard me hooting and hollering. LOL! Luckily, they are a tad at a distance and I think it I was in the clear. LOL!
All I have to say is I wish I'd read these thoughts before gettting rid of my rooster a few weeks ago, since many of you are saying that showing them who's boss for real eventually, usually, works. That's what I started to do when he attacked us. Then I read all the threads that said 1) it won't work, and 2) it's mean & cruel.

Sorry Lu, I could have beaten the tar outta you and held you down in front of miss bossy pants "KFC", instead you probably got eaten.
I don't think handling them necessarily makes or breaks a rooster. I handled both of mine from the time they were babies. My RIR is perfectly nice when I have treats for him. My BR rooster never tries to flog me. However I have had a BR rooster that I had to carry a stick everywhere I went... (dog got a hold of him, probably because he deserved it and brought it on... no tears shed). The only reason I didn't stew my RIR is because he is SOOOO pretty. I find it comical that he knows when I am watching out of the corner of my eye! I like a challenge and WILL win!
Does anybody think that the keeper's attitude/body language plays a part in whether a rooster attacks or not? What about the keeper's size? Not just comparing an adult to a small child but a large man versus a smaller woman.
Ok.. maybe it's just me... but I'm surprised no one else has said this yet... I thought cock fighting was against the law!!

I have an Iowa Blue rooster (spring 2011 hatch) that garnered an attitude towards me and thought he'd sneak up on me all puffed up with attitude. I have great peripheral vision and caught him at it before he could pounce. All it's taken so far is for me to swing back around at him and flare my arms out like a gangsta (you know the move from the TV shows) and asking him if he really wanted a part of me 'cuz if he did? Iowa Blue or not, he'd be chicken 'n' dumplings before the next sunrise. He flapped away so quickly, he almost tripped all over himself.

Not sure if that'll hold him off or not, but if he ever does it again? Well, I will keep your boxing chicken match in the forefront to kick his feathery tufts again.
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It is important to realize boundries in these cases, but more importantly the behavior of the keeper (you) and the roosters realationship with you (the Master). It can be very easy and a great learning experience when handled properly.

So I went to the battle ground a few minutes ago to do the daily chores, in high anticipation of the upcoming event, egg basket in hand along with the camera. I goes into the condo as allways as to not alert any of the 60 birds that anything is other than the normal day, take care to check all the other pens 1st as is the deal then begin to just fiddle in my eq area with an eagle eye on the pen. Their in there just bathing and relaxing, the boy's crowing up a storm like they allways do expecting fresh food & water and perhaps a handfull of Boss or a 1/2 loaf of stale bread as a snack. I walk in and go to the indoor area and just stand there with my back to the outdoor run meandering about looking under my arm, nothing !!!! I walk out to the into the school yard (run) where they seem to be hangin out, walk sheapishly around with my eyes on the ground.............. trying to show weakness and drawing him into the mental trap he can't resisit. When after a few minutes of me playing the consumate wuus and him failing to advance, I go to the scratch barrel and grab a handful of scrumish cracked corn and go back into the run to scatter it to my ladies in the run, so they can enjoy and he can't partake of.

I locate the Bad boy and I just slowly walk behind him just enough to keep him moving and for him to know I am watching him, i walk faster he walks faster I deftly side step here then there and back, creating nervous movement and backing him into a corner twice. The roost stick laying to the side provides additional incentive in my hand as it just waves harmlessly in the warm breeze where he can see it. When after 10 minutes of just hanging out in there, kneeling besides the hens a few feet away as they gently purr and cluck to each other that life is good. I feel super good that this is a done deal. It has worked for me many times in the past and this is an Idealic fianle to this scenerio. As I walk back toward the house and Sunday dinner the sun shining on my face and a big grin on my face I feel like life is good.

The best thing is to be able to share this with those of you who have the similar thoughts situations and technics that accomplish it in this same manner and can feel good that you'v done the right thing with out the worst for ware on either side and things are back to normal in your chicken world.


Pic's taken today as the story unfolded.
The dethrone king is at the left with his nose to the wall, and you can see his brother relishing in his Bro's defeat and of course feelin a lil COCKY !! LOL.

The group in their OK!!! what's gonna happen now posture........... but calm, and waiting for the free show to start LOL. The king is on the nest box roost looking for a plan B escape route if needed LOL.

A look into the breeding condo from the alley.

The area where I plan my diabalical dastardly plan to defeat the agressor.

The left side view of the big layer pen & run, where they call home and doubled as the recent UFC grudge match LOL.

The right half of the breeder complex, where he hears the constant crowing of Rooster he only wishes he can measure up too.
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