Got my first egg!!

My peahens like nesting near or under cut palm fronds too. If all of the eggs are fertile don't be surprised if they all hatch! Peahens are great at hatching eggs.

Are you going to let her raise the peachicks? They make good moms but what I have found is that if your pen doesn't have small wire around the bottom the peachicks will walk out of the pen and wander around hunting bugs and then something (probably a hawk) gets them. I need to have smaller wire around my pen the next time I have peachicks. The first time I had them they never left the pen but the last time I had them they liked going in and out of the pen and the peahens didn't seem to care. Also make sure that the water dishes are shallow. I haven't had one drown here but I have had them fall into the water so I use a shallow dish until they are bigger.
Yeah she liked the palm cutting which surprised me cuz they're really sharp. But, I just picked up some rolls of chicken wire to wrap around the pen because bunnies are getting in there and eating their seed. So that works out well for the babies too (I'm counting my eggs before they hatch, lol.)

It's getting up to the hundreds here so I think even if she wasn't sitting on the eggs they'd still hatch

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