got my first one !!!

kentucky jay

In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 16, 2010
haha not talking eggs here ..... my biggest rooster gave me a big crow this morning ..... not the usual short version ...a full crow !!!!!!! pretty cool ..... at what age do they normaly perform thier first crow ?
My bantam brahma started crowing at around 10 weeks old. I still wasn't sure she was a he...until I heard it. Then Mable became Mister Mabel and he hasn't shut up since.
I have to say, some of my roosters like to taunt me VERY early on. I've heard a screeching/crowing type noise coming from the brooder at a week or two old.
I have a knack for hatching males and boy, do they let me know it.
DH hears it and says, "Oh great, you've done it again".
Must have been something in the air today. I posted earlier that mine did the same thing! a full out playing around..he wanted his girls near him and he wanted it NOW! lol! Funny thing is they never did go to him...he had to come back to the house to find them, lol!
Mine are usually 6-7 months or so when they start. Although one in particular was a VERY loud chick, chirping loudly all the time as if he were in pain. I'd pick him up and hold him close to me and he's shut up (we start spoiling early in this house lol). He eventually grew out of that and was quiet until about a month or so ago. Then he started crowing and let me tell you, his crow is as long as a country mile lol. Congratulations
yeah he is about 7 months old ......... cant wait till spring so i can get some eggs from the ladies of the coop !!!!!!!

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