Got my order from Ideal - question about webbed feet


12 Years
Feb 15, 2007
Middle TN
I ordered 8 chicks from Ideal about a week and a half ago and just recieved them today. The question i have is do they give refunds for deformed chicks? One of the cochins i ordered has webbed feet just between two of her toes. I know they will refund you or give you credit for dead birds but what about in a case like this.

Second question is can i cut the webbing on her feet in order to give her normal toes? I don't have a problem doing this but i wandered if it would be best to just leave it alone. The webbing has her toes pulled together so that it could cause problems later.
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Congrats on the new chicks, first of all!

I think it depends on how webbed is "webbed?" I know that my bantam cochins (and my standard Buff Brahma) have thicker/heavier toe webbing between their middle and outside toes because of all the feathers that sprout from there. Could you post a pic? And maybe if you edit the title of this post to reflect your question you'll get more help. Good luck!

As for the refunds, I imagine that for just one bird they'd just credit your account.
Thanks and they are really good looking chicks besides the two i have talked about. The webbing is between the middle and outside toes and it has the middle toe pulled to the outside and back a little so that the middle toe nail is pointing out at about a 45 degree angle. I will try and post some pics this afternoon when i get home.

I got 6 polish (assorted mix), 2 cochin (1 buff and 1 silver penciled) and 3 packing peanuts that are yellow with a red tint (don't have any idea what they might be) I think 2 of the polish are the white sultans (i hope).

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