Got nine new chickies today! Pictures


11 Years
Oct 10, 2008
West of the Mississippi
I picked up five splash silkie babies this afternoon and they have already been lovingly adopted by Little Mama. Couldn't get any pictures of them because she is sitting on all of them, but I'll check again later.

Here is the rest of the bunch. They are heavy breed pullets. Any ideas?

#1 is just a solid yellow.

#2 Black and white

#3 Black stripes on back

#4 Yellow with darker face and dark yellow stripes on back.

What do you think??
I think #3 looks like a silver laced wyandotte.

I love Silkies and can't wait to see your chicks.
My guesses are:

#1 - Buff Orpington
#2 - Ancona (?)
#3 - Silver Laced Wyandotte
#4 - Red Sex Link (?)

These are guesses and could be wrong, especially #2 and #4.
None of them look like Buff orpingtons to me. :hmm I have 2 and their legs and beak are much more pink. (I think it's called slate?)
#2 looks like a barred rock.
#3 might be a wyandotte
#4 might be some kind of red, but I don't think it's RIR. Maybe NHR or Red sex link.
#1 could be almost anything. Maybe even a white Leghorn

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