Got our new chicks in, One is not doing well.


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 24, 2010
We got our 11 chicks on Thursday. The first 2 days were great, but today my wife called me to say on of our Black Giants is just laying down not moving much. It won't get up and looks very lethargic.

We have the chicks in a wire dog kennel with pine/hemlock shavings, plenty of fresh water and food and the temp is 90-100 depending on what part of the cage they're in.

Any suggestions?
I had one that was droopy & gave her some electrolytes (Pedia Lyte sans Iron from rite aid ) & just *gentlly* dropped it in her beak with a dropper.

I also added Organic Braggs apple cider veinegar to the water for all the chicks & she perked up. I added 2 tsp/qt of water.

She is still runty, but she is acting great, considering I thought she may be a goner I am so happy!
What kind of food are you giving them? Are you adding anything to the water? Were the chicks shipped to you from a hatchery or did you pick them up at a store?
We feed them starter feed and we've given them some japanese beetle grubs from the yard.

We are just giving them straight water. Is it ok to give ACV this early?
Did you make certain that all of your chicks were both drinking and eating on their own within a couple of hours of arriving at their brooder?

It is critical that they all drink and eat on their own as their on board food supply will be gone shortly after arrival.

You shouldn't feed them anything but starter unless you also provide chick grit (not the grown up grit either as it is just too big).

The poly vi sol without iron is also a good boost for new chicks, be absolutely certain it is children's strength and contains no iron..

As for the shavings you are using I can't recommend anything but pine shavings and even then you should cover them with paper towels until the chicks really understand where and what is actually food for them. They will eat the shavings and then have problems as they can't grind them up or digest them. They have been known to slowly waste away because they don't actually get enough food.

I hope your little one recovers as those Jersey Giants are really laid back birds, my three are just huge cream puffs and are bullied by the smaller ones.
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You can also give them hard boiled egg yolk. Most people dont think of that but its something their systems are used to. It gives them that added boost they sometimes need. If you dont have electrolytes give them sugar water.
If you give them anything other than their starter or yogurt, be sure to give them chick grit or sand for digestion. Try giving your chicks yogurt for better digestion.

I started with pine shavings with paper towels over them, then went to Equine pine pellets. I'm using sand in one brooder now for my 5 week old BO's.

Good luck!

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