Got REALLY lucky today!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 15, 2014
Northern Kentucky
Today we took our son out to pick up his birthday present, a 4 hour trip. On the way home he says "oh yeah, the chicks made a hole in the screen and can stick their heads out". Their box is in his TV room, the door is open, we have 2 dogs and 2 cats all that check in on them. So I tell Jake, be prepared to find a few dead when we get home. I knew they would escape, while we were gone. We get home, Jake finds four of them wandering around his room. I thank heavens, found three of them also wandering around, however still in their box. No one became a "free-range chicken nugget". When we handle them we let the dogs and cats sniff them and check them out. Guess we are doing good socializing all the critters!

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