Got sand? You should!

Hi Chellejeff. I'm a newer newbie than you are, in that I don't have my chickens yet. I've been following this thread since your first post.
I've learned a lot here in the few weeks that I've been reading and soaking it all in. At first I thought hay was the the thing everyone used on the coop floor. I very soon developed the opinion that pine chips or shavings were the best material, using the deep thresh method. Now after reading your first post I'm intrigued. Everything you say makes perfect sense. I can get all the sand I can shovel at my lake property.
I must say anyone like me, who is entertained by human nature, can get quite a kick out of the diverse reactions to your "claim". I hope you're not put off by some of the statements. I've found that most folks here have hearts of gold.
cabincrazyone, it seems to a good group of people here. One went a little sideways on me, I didn't see that coming. Why no chickens yet? They won't bite... very much.
I started with sand in my coop & shavings in the run. In the process of building another, more permanent coop now. Will be using sand in the whole thing this time AND the run will also have a solid top. Rains too much sometimes in sunny FLA...
Napa auto parts sells a pure 100% DE under part number:8822

I use this in my Bonsai applications.

"it lead me to contact a mineral mine in Nevada and I found out that NAPA auto parts sells their freshwater diatomaceous earth as an oil absorber.
It is 100% Diatomaceous earth and is sold under the NAPA store brand name and comes in a 25 lb bags. it is around 6$ per bag and works awesome!! Make sure to get the 25 lb bag and double check the back of the bag and make sure it says diatomaceous earth in the small print. NAPA Auto Parts stores are all over the US and anyone should be relatively close to one."

You can also use it by rinsing the small size rocks and making a spray with a water bottle. "the murky water that is left after one initially rinses the diatomaceous earth for the first time is actually a mechanical pesticide. I spray the liquid on my trees if they get aphids and the aphids are gone the next day. The sharp microscopic edges of the Diatoms cut through the exoskeleton of the insect causing them to dry out and die."

Now this is in small crushed form, not pulverized and powdered.

hope this helps.
You're welcome. I love seeing pics of how others have their chicken coops and runs set up. So many different ways to build and set things up. Can't wait to see your setup.
Can anyone advise if there is a moderator or something of the sort. gmendoza went off on me in the forum and is posting messages directly to me that I don't wish to receive. I'm not sensitive, but I don't come here to fight.
You can hit the report button on the posts.(bottom right corner of any to the quote button)... tell the mods whats wrong in the little box that pops up.
I know your new here, so i'm letting you know what to do.

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