Got sand? You should!

I have sand in my coop and clean it daily most of the time and have very little odor issues. I'd be concerned about baking soda increasing the dust level. I've found that putting powdered DE in the sand increases the dust level.

I suspect the stories about citrus and potato's are greatly exaggerated. My birds have eaten citrus with no noticeable ill side affects, though they don't seem to like it much. They get diced up potato skins on a regular basis and gobble them right up. It's the skins that have turned green that are supposed to be toxic.
I think we have your weather, I'll gladly trade with you at 96 degrees yesterday in East Tennessee!!! It's too soon to have this heat!!!
I have sand in my coop and clean it daily most of the time and have very little odor issues. I'd be concerned about baking soda increasing the dust level. I've found that putting powdered DE in the sand increases the dust level.

I suspect the stories about citrus and potato's are greatly exaggerated. My birds have eaten citrus with no noticeable ill side affects, though they don't seem to like it much. They get diced up potato skins on a regular basis and gobble them right up. It's the skins that have turned green that are supposed to be toxic.

I guess it WOULD increase the dust levels but only temporarily since its pretty heavy material and could be "stirred" into the sand really well. I see everyone mationing this "DE" and it seems everyone uses it freely. Apparently it's something I should have on hand at all times? I'm going to check TSC or the local co-op to see if they have it. I've found it online and it doesnt seem to be an expensive supply unless you go hog wild with it. From what I've read, it too is a natural i reading about the right stuff?

As far as citrus and potato goes, I havent fed them much or any of them. My son, however did throw half an orange in the pen the other day while they were outside playing and of course I didnt notice as I was mowing grass. Didnt appear that they liked it here either, and I dont cook potatos very often so i dont have any to even worry about.
What about using the Sweetpeadz (don't think I spelled it correctly) for odor that they use in barns?? Does anyone know if it still works if it get wet? I love the DE and feel safe using it but I read that it does not work if it gets wet which would eliminate out door use.
I bought 3 yards (A LOT) of washed sand and only paid $18.00. I picked it up, which is why it was so cheap.

Wow, wish I could find it that price, the sand and gravel areas around here were $20/scoop (which is a half-yard) Cost me $60 for the yard and a half I needed.
I bought 3 yards (A LOT) of washed sand and only paid $18.00. I picked it up, which is why it was so cheap.

Wow, wish I could find it that price, the sand and gravel areas around here were $20/scoop (which is a half-yard) Cost me $60 for the yard and a half I needed.

WOW !!!! $60.00 for the yard!!!?????
That is pricey. I wil be going back to get a few more yards.
Since it's unruley hot here the past 2 days, i've gone out and sprayed the sand a few times with cold water although my birds seem to prefer being inside instead, i figured i'd keep it as comfortable as i can if they need to go out for a drink. I guess i could move one of their waterers inside with them. Ok going to do that now when i go over to give the bunnies another ice bottle to snuggle up to. UGGGGGG its too early in the year for this weather!
well the first night was a success! the ducks couldn't ruin all of it. However did know my portable pen was now stationary. it weighed a ton! I was able to shove it out the back door of the barn and there it sat all day in the 90* heat. I got home to clean it and found out my son had the sand 5" thick in the back half. no wonder I couldn't move it. I dug out a whole wheel barrel full of sand & poop and it was mobile again. tonight I changed the water jug location to see if I can change the poop pattern. hope it works better for cleaning. I hate wasting money of pine chips.

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