Got the coop done today,the run is the project for tomorrow!

Yes,I knew about the skil saw and backwards blade,it (the circular saw)was at my work.
and I was not gonna let that hold me up on getting going on the project.

JSC's Hubby
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Oh and another thing.....never seen a "varmint" around there for a few years and as soon as we got the girls out in the run,a fox went running across the yard about 100 yards away! Gonna have to beef up security around the bottom of the run now.
Great job with the coop and run. Like you stated, with the fox around, may want to run some 1/2" hardware cloth around the perimeter of the run.
How high up are the nesting boxes?
very nice setup for your birds
my wife and i are just starting and planning a coop just about the same setup in our pole building.this our first year starting chickens.thanks for the pictures posts...helps a lot with our ideas.our plan is to leave the part inside the build open and not enclosed.seeing how ours will be in front of a 8' garage door.taking about half the garage door area....maybe at later time we'll enclose it like yours
Total cost of the coop and run will be about $425 when done. Alot better then the $1000 for the premade coop/run we were going to buy that the total size of the coop/run was 6X12.

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