Got to be a better way.

Before I ask this question, nobody send me death threats or anything. Don't freak out and lynch me.

The plastic polytheism hardware cloth, anybody used it? What results. Seems like it would hold quail just fine to me. Might be a bad idea if you have a predator problem but I don't.

There are predators everywhere, and quail are small enough that almost anything can eat them. I had a roadrunner try and pull a quail trough 1/2x1 wire. (She recovered and is still laying.) I've also had ravens eyeball my quail but so far they haven't tried to get them. I'm sure a cat or fox could get through the plastic, and coons certainly can. Just because you don't see the predators doesn't mean that they aren't waiting for their chance for a quail dinner!

Use metal hardware cloth to keep your quail safe.
Well I reckon there are a certain amount of predators everywhere but I there are many dangers more that a cat in Metropolitan Mobile, Al.
Just practice on some scrap wire first! I gouged some wire I didn't want to cut the first time I used one.
OK, I'd love to see how those smart old men taught you to cut the wire smoothly.

Actually Sill, I have a holding pen I need to put wire on, but I'm in the middle of "Fix the @!#$% tractor"

Maybe in a couple days I can get Judy to hold the camera whilst I 'Splain how. Its dead simple, and you're gonna go AH HA!

I just found some chicken wire called game bird netting. It's 1/2" that would work grest on a pen except..........

It's freaking expensive. Hundreds for 50 ' x 2'.
Yea. I thought man this is good stuff it's chicken wire and in a 1/2" square? Till I looked at the price. I don't want Quail that bad.
I seriously just use 1x1 welded wire or chicken wire. Its plenty strong for quail. Keep it off the ground and the only predators u need to worry about are coon and skunk.
I forgot where you are at. Snakes may be a concern. They are not for me. Simple screen door mesh will work as well. They are not really birds that peck and the don't go running into stuff. Their not weighty enough to break anything.
I'm in Mobile,Alabama in Metro Mobile. May be a snake out there somewhere. A garden or green snake but there ain't much but window screen small enough to keep snakes out. My pen is 4' off the ground on legs. We have squirrels but that's it. I think the stuff is a possibility. I'm also going to try chicken wire in the sides and top and chicken wire and 1" cloth on the bottom on a pen too.

It's not said quail cost $20 a bird. I hear people talking about the crazy little birds killin' over from thunder it's worth a try on alternative economical caging material. It'd be a shame to have 14 $2 birds in a $200 pen. Plus you can raise another just like it in 8 weeks.

Just my figuring in my head.

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