Got Turkey? Pic Added


12 Years
Feb 6, 2007
Slocomb, Alabama
My turkeys came in on the 4 am truck and now I cant wait to get off work and tend to them. Oh, and get pics posted.
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Awesome!! If you dont mind though one suggestion would be to add marbles to their waterer. I dont know if you have raised poults before but they arent the brightest bulb in the shed and need the marbles to A. show them where the water is...and B. keep them from drowning. Also make sure you are giving them 24% starter and a nice heat source and your well on your way. Congrats on the new babs!
Keep us posted on how they do as they get older!
Hope that helps.

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My daughter (22) sneaked a Bourbon Red poult into my box of 2 Buff Orpingtons several days ago when I was at Georgetown Farm Supply. She has always wanted a turkey, but I didn't take her commitmnet seriously. I must confess that little bird is quite beautiful and endearing! She/He makes the softest coos and whistles, and we whistle right back. But I am concerned: it is okay` to house the 2 Buffs with my poult? The buffs are docile to a fault, so they're all 3 getting along sociably. Naturally the turkey is larger, but is that a problem? My poultry family consists of 2 hens who are 3-4 months; 4 younger hens who are older than the poult but roughly the same size; and the week-old buff orpingtons. I seqregate the age clusters in separate housing. I feel the older hens are fine in their outdoor hutch and pen during the day. Haven't electrcity for the storage shed/hutch yet, so I bring them into the house at night. All the other birds stay indoors so far. Does it make sense to introduce the poult to the 4 medium birds, or should I wait because of the poult's youth? So far all the birds seem to be doing famously, and I'm thrilled by the unexpected addition of the Bouborn Red! One last question: is there any way to sex the poult at this point? It would be convenient to know what to expect for the future. (Is one turkey okay in my flock, or should I go for a second? These are all pets.)

Holly in Austin
I have heard that the poult will do fine with the chics. Actually the chics help to train the poults to eat and drink. Otherwise the first 3 days or so you have to keep dipping their beeks in the water and food. I would get at least one more poult for social reasons. You can see it better in free ranging birds, different breeds of just chickens tend to stay with their own. I have noticed this with ducks and turkens specifically. It would be safe to assume with turkeys because the size that they will be.

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