GQF Box brooder and Grow out pen


13 Years
Oct 11, 2010

I was curious if anyone has any experience with the GQF box brooder. I was interested in getting one but curious if you felt they were worked ok. I can't find any reviews on the grow-out pens that stack with them. Do those work well at all? I am looking for a way to raise a lot of chicks and keep them safe until I can move them to an unheated coop & . I am in Atlanta so probably just need to keep them in a brooder for 6 weeks max. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I found the broader on CL for $50 so of course I had to buy it. I find it best for the first few weeks. By 3-4 weeks they are too tall to comfortably stand in them. You can easily have 25 in there week one. By week 2-3 you need to start splitting the group up. I use old water troughs when they outgrow the gqf. By week 4-5 they are back as one large ggroup in a 6x10 chick proof chain link pen. I do like the brooder. Easy to clean and sanitize. If you go with a battery brooder, it takes up very little floor space. The downsize is they quickly outgrow it and the price. If you are doing it on a large scale, it will help keep the breeds separate until they feather out.
Thanks for the advice! They claim that you can have up to 100 chicks up to 2 weeks does that seem accurate? They also say it will hold 48 up to 4 weeks. It sounds like based on your experience that would not be true. And I guess the grow off pen would not be much help either given that the product description says it is the same as the brooder just without a heating element. I guess to make the grow-out pen useful you would need to buy the 14-inch expander to make it taller.
It's only 3x3. I can't imagine100 chicks for 2 weeks in that amount of space. I would say my feed store that uses these brooders might have as many as 50-75 on Fri when they get chicks in but they are down to less than 25 each by Mon I do batches of 25 chicks and that seems to be about the right number.
Thank you! What is your process for sanitizing? How often do you do it and what do you do? Thank you for the insights.
The drop tray makes it easy to clean while the chicks are using it. Between batches, I pull the floor (wire) clean it with a stiff brush, hose and dish soap. Reassemble then spray with a bleach solution and let air dry. Feeders too. Less than an hour and it's dry and ready for the next batch.

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