Grain Mites :(


In the Brooder
May 13, 2020
Hello! Thank you in advance for any help you guys can give. I hope this is the correct forum. Mites ARE pests.

Long story short as to how the problem started: I got mites in a bag of feed. I didn’t know it, of course, until I brought the bag IN the house and they go out all along one wall with two book shelves, a rack where I keep dishes, and my turtle tank (which is always warm and humid because of the water heater and the water in the tank itself). I about had a heart attack. I cleaned everything off, killing as many mites as possible, and reduced the number greatly. After cleaning, a few more came out (which I expected since they hide in crevices), so I wiped those off. However they’re still in the turtle tank, so I’ll be starting my tank over and wiping everything down again. Before I do that, however, I’d like recommendations as to what to use to control/kill the remaining mites to make sure they don’t spread elsewhere. I dread their getting in my pets’ food or in their bedding or even in the kitchen! That would be even more nightmarish.

I already have a humidifier in the area, which I think has helped kill those that wander about. I keep humidity there very low from 35-40% and the temp at 70-71 degrees. But I need something more. I have been looking at diatomaceous earth and need to know which will work best. I will be getting food grade so I can mix it in the feed and for dust baths and so I can use it inside since I have other pets (practically a zoo).

There seem to be two top brands: Harris’s and They seem identical but I read a couple comments that says isn’t as effective in killing pests because it has less than 0.1% silica. I haven’t been able to find what Harris’s brand has. I was wondering if you guys had experience with either and could recommend one of the two. Are there even really any differences? Both say “100% freshwater diatomaceous earth.”

Oh, and I’ve cleaned where I keep the feed very well. I even got an old rectangular freezer (not working anymore) to put the bags of feed in since it has a heavy lid and keeps cool and dry. I plan on dusting with diatomaceous earth in and outside and mixing it with the feed itself (in case there are some lingering since I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion those things go hand in hand with having chickens).

I am definitely NEVER again bringing feed inside the house. I was stupid and I’m paying the price with my mental health. Battling these things in my house has greatly exacerbated my anxiety, depression, and OCD. :(


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:welcome :frow I never had any luck with DE. I use permethrin. At least grain mites won't bother your birds. Over the years I got some feed with grain mites in it. One bag I took back and had replaced another bag I fed it to the birds. I think they liked the mites. I never saw any ill effects in the birds from the feed.
Does freezing kill the mites? Is it possible to put any new bag of feed in a freezer for a few days?

Your comment about storing in an un-working chest freezer reminded me that I have read of people freezing flour to kill some kind of bugs. But I don't know if it works on the mites you've got, and I recognize it would take a lot of freezer space to hold a bag of feed for however long it takes to get it cold all the way through.
Freezing can only kill them for sure if it’s below 0, I believe. No ordinary freezer will do that. Freezing at home will most likely only make them enter a dormant stage called “hypopus” and wait until more favorable conditions to resume walking around and the like. I can’t freeze my bookshelves, pots and pans, etc., anyway. My problem is inside the house, not with the feed.

As for permethrin, I can’t use that INSIDE my house. I’m not having issues outside right now. I’m trying to kill the mites inside my house, and, like I mentioned, I can’t use any sort of chemical because I have other pets. That’s why I was trying to use DE.

I guess I’ll just choose a DE and see if it works. Thanks anyway.
I've never known grain mites to leave a feed sack. They've always stayed in the bag. When I would open the sack, the mites would immediately dig deeper into the feed. After all, they eat the feed and multiply. They turn feed crumbles into powder, stealing nutrients that birds need.
It's best to return sacks and exchange them or get a refund. I exchange them and check the date on the sack. I dont buy feed over one month old.
Additionally, if you see mold on the inside of the tear off strip or just inside the sack, dont buy it. Mold is deadly to chickens. If you see any size of clumps of feed inside the sack, dont buy it. It means it had moisture in it and then dried.
You've mustve had one heckuva infestation.
Spreading DE all over the house is a bad idea too, and I'd have returned any feed infested with anything!
If you are careful about checking mill dates on each feed bag, and buying within one month, and using it up within another month, that's definitely best.
My chicken feed in stored in the original feed bags, in metal garbage cans, in the coop. Your chest freezer will work very well too. Having DE in the freezer and the feed helps too.
Find out what insecticide you can use indoors, and how to protect your pets so it's safe for them. Of course you can't use some of the typical products, but there must be something, some way. I'm itchy just reading your post!
Thank you for your responses.

Yes, the bag had a lot of them in there and they had time to wander out before I realized there was a problem. I didn’t expect it because the bag wasn’t expired or anything. I did return it and I am extra careful now when buying.

Mites seem to be resistant to pesticides, apparently. I wanted to try natural ways of eradicating them first. That is why I wanted to use DE because it would desiccate them and work hand in hand with the dehumidifier I have. I’ll try the DE and do another thorough cleaning and see how that goes. If DE can destroy the notorious bedbugs, I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t work on mites. Both are soft bodied and with exoskeletons, so it’s supposed to cut them up and dry them. I’m willing to try anything to get this done.

If that doesn’t work, I’ll contact my vet and maybe an acarologist to ask about a pesticide that will work and be the safest for my pets. I just wanted someone who had used DE to tell me their opinions on the two brands I posted.
Had grain mites in pretty fresh feed....they thrive with heat and humidity.
I suspect they come in with raw grains and are not eliminated by processing.
First time I brought chicken and dog feed in, next day both bags had them on outside.
Took them to garage, wiped with bleach water, set them on crate rays, next day bags were covered again.
DE does work, but you need to mix a lot into the feed and it may take a couple days to kill them all off.
I fight them every summer, except the one summer Purina mixed DE into the feed.
Had grain mites in pretty fresh feed....they thrive with heat and humidity.
I suspect they come in with raw grains and are not eliminated by processing.
First time I brought chicken and dog feed in, next day both bags had them on outside.
Took them to garage, wiped with bleach water, set them on crate rays, next day bags were covered again.
DE does work, but you need to mix a lot into the feed and it may take a couple days to kill them all off.
I fight them every summer, except the one summer Purina mixed DE into the feed.

Thank you so much! I just got the DE and I’m going to try it out both in the feed and around my house. :)

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